•Accidents or the consequences of theft, (of the vehicle), acts of vandalism, lightning, fire, humidity, infiltration of liquids, atmospheric influences,
•Combination or integration of the equipment in hardware not supplied by the manufacturer unless the latter gave written, explicit consent for such,
•Modifications, alterations, or repairs carried out by parties not authorised by the manufacturer or by the maintenance centre,
•Use of the equipment for a purpose other than that for which it was designed,
•Normal wear,
•Deterioration caused by external causes (RF interference produced by other equipment, fluctuations in mains voltage and/or voltages on telephone lines, etc),
•Modifications made to the equipment even if they are mandatory due to changes in regulations and/or modification of network parameters,
•Connection faults resulting from unsatisfactory radio propagation or caused by the absence of radio relay coverage.
Equipment on which markings or serial numbers have been removed or altered, and handsets on which labels have been removed or deteriorated shall be excluded from the warranty.
Apart from the statutory warranty, the above provisions constitute the only claims which can be made against the manufacturer and dealer on the grounds of equipment defects, this warranty excluding any other explicit or implied warranty associated with sale of the equipment.