Console Functions and Descriptions
There are five LED display windows on the control panel to provide you with vital feedback information.
zTIME: Indicates elapsed time after pressing start in minutes and seconds
zPACE: Indicates number of minutes to complete 1 mile at current speed.
zSPEED: Indicates MPH (miles per hour) or Km/H (kilometer per hour) in .1 increments
zDISTANCE: Indicates Miles or Kilometers traveled in .01 increments up to 9.99 and .1 increments starting at 10.0
zCALORIES: Indicates estimated calories used based on 150 lb. person at the indicated speed, incline, and time
zINCLINE: Indicates incline in percent of grade
zPULSE Indicates current heart rate
zHEART “ ”: Indicates control panel is receiving a signal from heart rate transmitter. Heart will blink on and off if receiving signal from Heart Rate Transmitter chest strap.
zDisplays quarter mile track in Manual mode. Indicates position on track by a blink. In program mode, shows the change in speed profile across the interval range
zThe Speed Bar allows the user to adjust speed quickly. The Speed Bar works in all manual and program modes. To use the Speed Bar, the belt must already be moving. Press the desired speed (2 through 8), and the treadmill will slowly reach the speed selected. In program mode, the change in speed with the Speed Bar will only work in the cur- rent interval. Once the program switches to another interval, the speed will revert to the programmed speed.
zThe Incline Bar allows the user to adjust Incline quickly. The Incline Bar works in all manual and program modes. To use the Incline Bar, the belt must already be moving. Press the desired Incline (2 through 8), and the treadmill will slowly reach the Incline selected. In program mode, the change in incline with the Incline Bar will only work in the cur- rent interval. Once the program switches to another interval, the incline will revert to the programmed speed.
Your treadmill is equipped with toggle switches that conveniently change the incline and speed without reaching up to the console. In program mode, the change in speed and/or incline with the toggle switches will only work in the current interval. Once the program switches to another interval, the speed and incline will revert to the programmed speed and incline.
LED INDICATORS - (small green diode lights on console)
zPROGRAM SELECTION: The treadmill console will display the program selected with a LED light beside the pro- gram., showing on the left hand side of the window.
zTIME: LED indicators will toggle back and forth for the Pace and the Workout Time. The Pace will be indicated while in a program. The PACE is the number of minutes it would take to complete one (1) mile at the current speed of the treadmill. The WORKOUT TIME is the total time set at the beginning of a program, and will count down from the amount of time set throughout the program, or will count up in Manual mode.
zCALORIES & DISTANCE: LED indicators will toggle back and forth to show total Calories burned and total Distance covered. The Calories burned is an estimate based on a 150 lb person at the current speed and incline levels.