Hip Hop Hoppy Taw: If you want, you can play Hip Hop Hopscotch with a “Hoppy Taw.” What’s a Hoppy Taw? Well, it’s something you find, like a coin, a stone, or a toy that won’t bounce. A beanbag or a hacky sack works really well. On your turn, stand behind Pad #1 and toss your Hoppy Taw onto one of the Pads. Wherever it lands, you have to skip over that particular Pad as you go.
Hip Hop
Hip Hop High Five: Two players start hopping at the same time from opposite ends of the Hop Pad layout, and
Hop Hip Hopscotch: Go through the layout, but when you get to the end, don’t turn around… come back from 10 to 1 backwards!
Hoptime: Using a stopwatch or a clock with a second hand, keep track and compare how long it takes each player to hop the same pattern.
Hop to the Beat: Put on some Hip Hop or other lively music and jump to the groove.
The combinations and variations are limitless, and so is the fun! Hop to it!