- ~ | b | j | e | g | t | r | m | o | f |
signals. |
| .r~oi+,r?~ |
| |
How W |
| w1)- |
| by |
| |
| that kns. |
If you it,the
c o r r e c t = ~ b 5 &h lens. Each a s e q p ~ ~ m ~ d c k swillte r reme ber the tieq~neeas it gets
you cart- | tot* | ||
To keep p l a y i n g p w f f ~ h | g@ cdrresponding | ||
lens will flash. To F@ | that game ag | 'S%&tlens. To | |
play a d m | the ON buttont o ~ e &each- game | ||
called out; | l o |
| ! , |
. . .
The trick: Inthis or mcdWWMty"movento
Can you repeat eachsequenwevenf the c&xYapp%?Pon
different Imrses? | |
At the~ ~sequek@&t. a second,~ and wakh the , lenses&by to see if anyWh#r colors change. Then try 18 ' repeat the sequence by pd&g the same colors, no
what lenses they appear on.Bmuse this game is so
| 'ICf | \ ' | ' |
| I |
- |
| ||
| 4 |
| |
The trick hthis game, evaybns has the same sound |
| , | |
color (red, g m , yellow, WtrFm y combination). h44hmb | , | ||
| |||
sound or cdorcues to retydR! tanyou remember ancbk@At | I | ||
the signals bylocation on/y?Mr |
| |
| , I. - |
The trkk: Can you
the last signal to the Rrsr! 4 k
,r -
| re tMdks3 Try these games for |
2 or more /$ayers. | |
| 7 |
| |
| GAME |
When selecting any game,presg+tl@ lens twice insteadof once, to access the
oow playeitqao first. The first piayer
z , " l z g k asin a sob @!me. When the bell rings (this can happen after a player repeatsany sequence), it'sthe other player'sturn to tryto repeat the sequences.
Pay close attention even on your ~pponent'stum, because you never know when the bell will ring andyour turn will begin!
How to win: When a player is eliminated, the other player automatically wins!
How to pb'PIaythe
players. Keep going until only one player wins the game!
Automatic#utofR Simon Trickster will automatically shut ' down after approximately 2 minutesof
FCC5 7 A T a i m r
This equipmenthas been tested and found to comply with the limits for a ClassB digitaldevice, pursuantto part 15of the FCC Rules. These limits are designedto pmvidey a b k , protectionagainst harmful interference in a rssjdSwlbzlitlstallation,~squipmengenerates, uses,and can radiate radio frequsneyenergy and, 4 not instailed and usedin accoKfance with the instructions, may cause $rmful interferenceto radio communications. However, then is rxp;gtmmW~*at interferencewill not occur in a particular instalMM. Il'W9quspmen2dm causeharmful interferenceto radio or
t~ ~whm can~be bemined' by turning~the~equipment, off and an,th& L &wmged. to try to correct the interferenceby one or more of the fdhing FTPXWTBB:
b I n c mtheseparatjonbe* the equipment and receiver,
Consultthedealer or an e&ced | radio/lV technician for help. |
e~lsumers$a&~e to: Hasbro Games,Consumer Affairs Dept., PO. Box 200,
hwtuckcri#&. | Ti: | @%free))ckm&an. | consumers@ease write |
to: HasbmCanadaCaporah, 2350 de la province, Lonpsuil,QC Canada,J4G
h2.Europamconsumerspleasewrite to: Hasbro UK Ltd. Hasbro Consumer Ahrs . 43, C&w$Way, Newport, W,NPl9 4YD; or telephone our Helpline on
@J 2005 Haabro,PawRidcet,RI 02862.All Rights Reswved,TM &@denoteUS.
Not suW far children under 3 years because of small parts
-choking hazard.