Once all the votes have been cast, Anne will reveal who voted for whom. She will also ask two random players why they voted the way they did. Just like on TV, players have to explain their actions. To continue the game, press START.
VPs will sometimes be asked to explain their votes. Listen carefully to the reasons they give. It may help you determine their personality characteristics.
The Weakest Link is the player that received the most votes. Anne will announce that player and the number of votes the player received. Then, the player will be dismissed with Anne’s famous line, “You are the weakest link. Good bye!”
If two or more players received the same number of votes, the strongest link from the round gets to break the tie.
Anne will reveal the strongest link from the round. That player presses the player button of one of the players involved in the tie to cast the deciding vote. If the strongest link is a virtual player, the vote will be cast automatically.
The strongest link can vote for any player involved in the tie and is not bound by the previous vote. EXAMPLE: Player 1 and Player 2 each received two votes. Player 3 is revealed as the strongest link. Player 3 originally voted for Player 1, but now votes for Player 2 instead.
If the tie is between the strongest link and another player, the tie goes to the strongest link since no player can vote himself off. Anne will announce the other player as the weakest link.
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