A list of your contacts is then shown.
-To add contacts (maximum of 25), press EDIT (while on the screen listing them). Then press “Y” for yes. Then write your new contacts as described above.
-To edit a contact, select it, press ENTER, then press EDIT, and then press “Y” for yes. Make your changes using the delete key and retyping your information. Then press ENTER again. You may also press the SCREEN SCROLL PAD left and right to move through text you have written.
-To delete a contact, select it, press DELETE, and press “Y” for yes.
Memory: When the CONTACTS file is full (25 contacts), you will have to delete an old contact before adding a new one. Do so by selecting an old contact, pressing DELETE, and selecting “Y” for yes.
Press QUIT to move back to previous menus.
This mode provides password protection.
From the Main Menu, select SECURITY, and press ENTER.
To access one of the
This allows you to lock and unlock DEX features.
Locking a Mode: The screen will display “Please enter your security password.” Type in a password (1 to 8 letters) that you will remember. Then press ENTER. Confirm the password by
retyping it, and pressing ENTER again.
A new screen will display “Please select which functions you wish to lockout.” Press ENTER to go to the Main Menu icons.
Select a mode you want to “lock” with the password. Then press ENTER.
-Type “N” for no if you do not wish to lock this mode. The icon will stop flashing.
-Type “Y” if you wish to lock this mode. You will return to the Main menu and see a locking animation for this icon.
Upon returning to the Main Menu, you may select additional modes to be locked.
Unlocking a Mode: Select the mode you wish to unlock. Then press ENTER. The DEX will ask you if you wish to unlock the mode. If you press “Y for yes,” you will be directed to enter the password. You will then return to the Main Menu, and the locking animation will be gone.
Press QUIT to move back to previous menus.
Changing a Password: Return to SECURITY mode, select the Password
-If you typed in the old password correctly, you will then be directed to type in a new password.
-If you typed in the old password incorrectly, the screen will tell you so. Press ENTER and try again.
9/14/04, 3:27 PM