To activate speech, just give Super Switchin’ Kenai a hug or squeeze his tummy. When Kenai’s in "human" mode, he says human phrases. When he’s in "bear" mode, he growls and says
To change Kenai into "bear" mode:
1.Pull his hood up and over his head, and fasten as shown. (Fastening the hood switches toy from one mode to the other.) Kenai will growl when you have correctly fastened the hood.
4.Squeeze Kenai to hear one of 6 phrases!
To change Kenai back to "human" mode:
1.Unfasten hood and pull back over Kenai’s head.
2.Pull back mittens and slippers from his hands and feet, and tuck into outfit.
3.Squeeze Kenai to hear him say one of 6 phrases!
After about 30 seconds of