Hasbro Skill Game manual Setup, Game Play, Solo Play, Storing Your Game

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The Car& Se~aratethe cards into 2 decks: Doctor -cards and Specialist cards. Shufle the Specialist cards and deal them faceup, one at a time, so each play- er gets an equal number. Place any extra Specialist cards out of the game. Then shuffle the Doctor cards and place the deck facedown near the gameboard.

The Baaker: Choase a player to be the banker. This player will pay the players for successful "operations." The banker places the money neatly, in piles by denomination.

The Funatomy Parts: Drop each Funatomy part flat into its matching gameboard cavity. The Funatomy parts are shown below. Make sure that all Funatomy parts lay flat in their cavities.

Game Play

The player who has seen the most Spider-Man movies goes first. If you ' can't decide, the youngest player goes


Web Head A-

Crook in the Neck -

Mary Jane Jitters - @/

A-rack-nid-Ribs -

Broken Web Shooter - F

Spider Cents - 7


Crook in the Neck

SpidwMan'sneck is feeling sore!

Remm thepain and inc-

your score!

If you draw the doctor card for the Crook in the Neck "operation" you'll earn $300 for successfully removing it.

On Your Turn

1.Draw the top Doctor card from the deck and read it out loud. The card tells you which Funatomy part to remove and what you will earn if you're successful.

2.Perform the "operation" by using the tweezers to remove the Funatomy part from the cavity.

Be careful! The key to a successful "operation" is to remwe the part without touching the metal edge of the cavity.

If you touch the metal edge, you'll set

Costume Wedgie -

Wall-Crawler's Knee -

Radioactive Spider Bite - 4P

Symbiotic Ooze -4

Webbed Feet -

offthe buzzer and make the light near Spider-Man's neck light up!

A successful "Operation": If you remove the part without setting off the buzzer, it's a success! Collect your fee from the banker. Keep the Funatomy part in front of you and place the Doctor card out of play. This ends your turn.

An unsuccessful "Operation": If you set off the buzzer before completing the "operation," it's not a success. Your turn is over. Place the part back into the cavity and keep the Doctor card in front of you. Now give the Specialist a try!

Specialist cards: All players (including you) look at their Specialist cards. The player with the Specialist card for that "operation" now gets to try the same "operation" for twice the fee. See the example below.

Crook in the Neck

A pdn in the neck is not all that n i d

Remove it for a fancy p r i d

If you draw the specialist card for the Crook in the Neck "operation" you'll earn $600 for successfully removing it.

Note: If the Specialist card for that "oper- ation" is out of play, place the Doctor card facedown at the bottom of the deck. Now the player to the left of the Doctor takes a turn.

If the Specialist is successful, he or she takes the fee from the banker. Both the Doctor card and the Specialist card for that "operation" are placed out of play. Now the player to the left of the Doctor takes a turn.

*If the Specialist is unsuccessful, place the Doctor card facedown at the bottom of the deck, The Specialist keeps the Specialist card. Now the player to the left of the Doctor takes a turn.

How to Win

The game ends when all 11"operations" have been successfully performed. The player with the most money wins!

Timing Your "Operations"

Before a game begins, players may agree to set a time limit (perhapsone minute) for each "operation." One player (other than the Doctor or Specialist) keeps track of the time. In this game, an "operationn is successful only if a player completes it before time runs out.

Solo Play

Are you the only "Doctor" in the house? Then practice your skills on Spider-Man. Tky performing all 11 "operations" successfully, in any order. If any "operation" is unsuccessful, try again!

Storing Your Game

Done playing for now? N h o r the twee- zers by pressing down on the front and gently sliding them under the notch. Store the game parts underneath the gameboard.

Mot suitable for childrenunder 3 years becauseofsmall -chokinghazard.

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Sider-Man and all related characters:TM & 02,2006 Marvel c k t ers,Inc Spider-Manmovie elements @2002-2006 Columbia pictures Industries,Inc. AU rights mewed.

Licensed by Spider-ManMerchandising LP.

OPERATION is a rrgisteredhdenwk, licensed for use by Hash, Inc C32006 Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC.

The HASBRO, MILTON BRADLEY and MB namg and logos OPERATIONare @ & 8 2006 Hasbro, Pawtudoet, R1028Q. AU Rinhts Resewed. TM & @ denote U.S.

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Contents Batteries Or More PlayersFirst Time You Play Solo Play SetupGame Play Storing Your Game