choose from, a pistol. shotgun, and machine gun. Each gun has different amounts of ammo, 8ilenced .22- unlimited,Pistol- 6 shots,
aoHsloau | .. |
| . | |
| 1 - EUminate the tmmIISt threat (at lewt 20 enemlea) | ||||
00'i'h e , 601dsa m. Plaig as the | 8 | ||||
Relive the new& | ~ O r e m o i 'Theon!~ways | ||||
greatest secret agent of all time, James Bond. His | tossoapeitto |
| upglen*,gaat%nkstacreatea | ||
Olvamion long en@ | to escepe. Gmcantrateon | ||||
l a t ~ s t ~ i s t o e t o p ~ 8 n d f ~ e r 0 0 6 a g e n t , | |||||
dsstmglngthetmks Uyouwanttosurvlve. | |||||
Alee Trevem, from banbupting the world. James |
Bond sslIl go through 8 levels of pure actlon to stop his former p a w . Nee wiu try to use a satellite known as the Oolden Eye to disrupt all e l m fields and sand Europe back into the Stone Age. 007 must find and killhls fomner friend to save the world. Bond will go thmugh thh g8me armed to the teeth. He will cclmy a silenced .22,pistol, shotgun, and machine @XI. He wlU need all his weapons if he wants to reach 006 before the (folden Eye is hunched and the world is sent into chaos. With countless enemy soldiers and finally fighting 006 himself, thls will be Bond's hardest will have to csJlupon his shasp wits and kjller instinct8
Iin an edge of your seat confrontation to the finish.
1 - EUmmate the termrlst threat (at least 30 enemies). a . Rssrme tfatdsafrom the enemy base: natalya is the only person with Info on the Top SecW Qolden Eye satellite. She has been captured and you must save
her if you aant to stop 006.
To turn on the unit
also shut iteelf off after 3 minutes of no action.
To start the game
To start aach new stage
To shoot your gun
To turn the s m d on
To turn the sound off
m o m B
1- Eliminate the tdrmm threat (at leest 40 enemies).
I)- Escape from prlsom You've been captured. You've
got to ma!m a break for it gum blaang. Just keep
runnlnsand blest everything in your path.
| A | - | To walk forward |
", | - | To duck | |
,, 4 ,, | - | To move left | |
9, | 8, | - | To move right |
RESET | - | To m e t the unit |
Press the ON1 OFF button to power on the unit. Press the STBffTl8 H O W button to start the game. S t a r t running up the soreen and shoot every enemy thatgstsinyourwap Youstertoutnithyourstandard issue silenced .22 and there are 3 other gluw you oan