The team with possession of the ball at the beginning of the game is the OFFENSIVE team. This team uses running and passing plays to advance the ball toward the opponent’s end zone.
The team without the ball is the DEFENSIVE team. This team tries to prevent the OFFENSIVE team from scoring by tackling the player with the ball.
Moving The Players
Press the
Press the PASS button at any time when you have possession of the ball and your teammate is in an ideal position.
Press the TACKLE button quickly to steal the ball.
If your opponent tackles you successfully, you will automatically become a DEFENSE player.
Press the KICK button to attempt a fi eld goal when your opponent’s fi eld goal posts
Ending The Game
The game is ended when the 180 seconds runs out. Each team’s score will be displayed on the screen
Press the START button to begin a new game if desired.
SCORING TOUCHDOWN = 7 points will be awarded to the team of the player who crossses the goal line with the ball.
FIELD GOAL = 3 points will be awarded to the team of a player who kicks the ball through the fi eld goal posts.
NOTE: The kick MUST pass above the crossbar and be- tween the uprights to count.