Go to...or Take a Ride...:
Move your token to that space immediately, then follow the instructions there. If you pass "GO" on the way, collect your $2.
Free Ticket Booth: Do not move your token. Place one of your own unused Ticket Booths on either of the unoccupiedAmusements of the color shown on the card. If both Amusements already have two different colored Ticket Booths on them, you may remove either one of them and replace it with your own Ticket Booth. Give the booth you remove back to its player.
However, if both Amusements have the same color Ticket Booth already on them, you'reout of luck: you cannot replace either one. In this case - and only in this case
When you draw a "Free Ticket Bwth" Chance card, replace a Ticket Booth of the player who is farthest ahead in the game. Remember, it's to your advantage to have your own Ticket Boothson both amusements of the same cokr so they cannot be taken away when another player draws a "Free Ticket f3mth"card.Msw, m i n g both means you collect doubte
when so- lands on either one?
As soon as one player runs out of money, the game ends, and all the other players count up their money. The player with the most cash on hand wins!