K2 Bike Chubby This section Tuning Variables Tuning Adjustments, Rider Weight, Type of Riding

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In this section:

Tuning Variables

Tuning Adjustments

Changing MCU Springs

Tuning Variables

Allridersaredifferent.Therefore,bicyclesuspensionneedstobeabletoadjusttothedifferentneedsanddesiresofdifferentriders.Thefollowing factorsshouldbeconsideredwhenadjustingthesuspensionofaNoleenfork:

Rider Weight

Lighterridersneedtohavesofterspringsinordertotakefulladvantageofthetravelofthefork.HeavierridersneedtousestifferMCUspringsto keep theforkfrombottomingout. You mayneed to adjustthe stiffnessofsprings inyour forkforyourbodyweight.See Suspension Variables: Spring Ratefor the correct springs to use.

Type of Riding

Asuspensionforkusedforhigh-performanceoff-roadridingshouldhavestiffersuspensionthanoneintendedforrecreationalroaduse.Thesevere impacts and high speeds of serious off-road riding demand stiffer springs, while more casual riding is more comfortable with softer springs. In general,theforkshouldbesetuptomaximizetheuseofsuspensiontravelintheconditionstobeencountered.

Personal Preference

Newsuspensionridersoftenpreferstiffersuspensionsthatfeelmorelikearigidbikes.However,suspensionforksworkbestwhenarideradapts their style to use the suspension fully. A spring that feels softat first may be exactly what you wantafter a weekof riding.

Tuning Adjustments

Once you have an understanding of the variables affecting suspension tuning, you can now move on to actually adjusting your suspension to fit your needs. The Tuning Adjustments of your Noleen Chubby suspension are:

Spring Rate

TheSpringRateofaspring istheamountofloadrequiredtocompressthatspringoneinch. Thisdefinitionappliesmainlytocoilspringsandnot toMCUsprings.SincetheChubbyandChubbyLTuseacombinationofMCUspringsandacoilspring,thespringchartbelowreferstocombina- tionsofMCUspringsandnotactualspringrates.Wesuggestdifferentspringratesforourbikesandforksbecausedifferentridersplacedifferent loadsonbicycles.

Springselectionisalsoaffectedgreatlybyriderpreference. Moreaggressiveridersmaydesiretheirspringstobestiffer,whileamorerecreationally orientedridermaylikeasofterridewithsoftersprings. Experimentationwithdifferentspringratesmaybenecessarytofindthecorrectsetup.

Spring Selection Tables



Rider Weight


Chubby LT (each leg)

up to 140

3 Blue, 3 Tan

4 Blue, 4 Tan


1 Blue, 5 Tan

2 Blue, 6 Tan





5 Tan, 1 Pink

7 Tan, 1 Pink


4 Tan, 2 Pink

6 Tan, 2 Pink

Replacing Springs on the Chubby and Chubby LT

The Chubby comes equipped with six elastomers and one coil spring per leg, and the Chubby LT has eight MCU springs and one coil spring.

NOTE: Aftermarket forks are supplied with two additional pink Springs for modification of your Chubby. Your Chubby can be stiffened by replacing a standard tan spring with a stiff pink spring. To change springs, simply follow the instructions below.





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Contents Noleen Table of Contents This section Read this Manual Precautions This section Frame Preparation Fork Preparation / Installation 6 Easy StepsStep #1 Remove the Upper Triple Clamp from the fork Install steerer and fork Proper Cable Routing Step #3 Install the crown race seat and steerer tubeStep #4 Install the fork Crown Race InstallationProper Stem Installation Option 10-12mm Proper Star-Fangled Nut Installation 3mmOption Personal Preference This section Tuning Variables Tuning AdjustmentsRider Weight Type of RidingMp ing Adjusting PreloadPreload Chubby LT 25mmElastomer Stack and inner Stanchion Tubes Bearing Replacement Maintenance ScheduleThis section Tools Needed Lubrication Sliders and StanchionsAir Damper Torque / Lubrication Qty Description Qty Description 15083-1

Chubby, Chubby LT specifications

The K2 Bike Chubby LT stands out as a versatile mountain bike designed for adventure enthusiasts seeking both performance and comfort on challenging terrains. This bike merges robust construction with innovative features to create an exceptional riding experience for both casual and seasoned riders.

One of the defining characteristics of the K2 Bike Chubby LT is its lightweight yet durable aluminum frame. This frame is engineered to withstand the rigors of rocky trails and rugged paths while still being easy to maneuver. The bike's geometry is crafted for stability and control, allowing riders to confidently tackle steep climbs and descents alike.

The Chubby LT is equipped with a unique 4-inch fat tire system, which provides enhanced traction and stability. These oversized tires excel in various terrain conditions, from loose sand to muddy trails, ensuring that riders maintain a solid grip. The increased surface area also lends itself to a comfortable ride, effectively absorbing bumps and jolts encountered on uneven ground.

Another standout feature of the K2 Bike Chubby LT is its advanced suspension system. The bike features a front suspension fork designed to tackle obstacles without compromising control. This system absorbs impacts and provides responsiveness, allowing riders to glide smoothly over rough surfaces and maintain speed even on challenging descents.

In terms of gearing, the Chubby LT is equipped with a reliable 1x drivetrain, providing simplicity and ease of use. This setup allows for seamless shifting and offers a sufficient range of gears for tackling both steep climbs and flat sections, making it suitable for diverse riding conditions.

Additionally, the bike comes with powerful disc brakes, offering consistent and reliable stopping power in all weather conditions. This feature ensures enhanced safety, giving riders confidence when navigating downhills or challenging trails.

For added convenience, the K2 Bike Chubby LT features adjustable seats and ergonomic handlebars, allowing for a customized riding posture. This adaptability enhances comfort during long rides and promotes a natural riding position.

Overall, the K2 Bike Chubby LT is an impressive mountain bike that encapsulates the essence of outdoor adventure. With its combination of robust construction, innovative features, and rider-centric designs, it is well-equipped to handle the demands of any trail, making it an ideal choice for riders looking to explore the great outdoors.