Shoulder Exercises
Shoulder Rotator Cuff – Internal Rotation
Muscles worked:
Front rotator cuff muscle (subscapularis).
Standing – facing left or right
Hand Grips
Center Cross Bar
BeforeYou Begin:
Remove Seat and Leg Extension
Key Points:
•Motion should be slow and controlled.
•Do not rotate spine to get additional range of motion. Try for pure rotation of shoulder joint. More is not better!
•Use light resistance only. Pick a resistance that you can perform
•Stand on platform with one side toward machine. Maintain good spinal alignment.
•Grasp hand grip with arm closest to machine and draw upper arm into side, keeping elbow bent 90º.
•Distance yourself from tower to eliminate slack in cable.
•Use very light resistance.
•Rotate forearm toward abdomen, keeping elbow by side.
•Slowly return to start position.
Shoulder Rotator Cuff – External Rotation
Muscles worked:
Rear portion of rotator cuff (infraspinatus, teres minor muscles).
Standing – facing left or right
Hand Grips
Center Cross Bar – wide position
BeforeYou Begin:
Remove Leg Extension and seat.
Key Points:
•Motion should be slow and controlled.
•Do not rotate spine to get addi- tional range of motion. Try for pure external rotation of shoulder joint. More is not better!
•Use light resistance only. Pick a resistance that allows you to perform
26Bowflex Xceed™ Owner’s Manual
•Stand on platform with one side toward machine. Maintain good spinal alignment.
•Using arm furthest from rods, reach across body, grasp hand grip nearest you and draw arm back into side. Keep elbow bent 90º.
•Allow forearm to rest against abdomen and elbow against side, taking out some of the slack or in cables.
•Rotate forearm away from abdomen and out to side, keeping elbow/upper arm by side.
•Slowly return to start position.
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