Choose your favorite indoor or outdoor cardio activity, like the exercise bike, stair climber or running. You will do
3 exercise "sets" at varying intensities. Try to acquire the effort level requested by the watch. Try not to manipulate
your heart rate, but rather simply try to maintain the effort level requested on the watch. The watch will take you through the following protocol:
Exercise for 5 minutes at an effort that feels EASY...
... it feels like you are
... you feel
... you could maintain this intensity for
Exercise for 5 minutes at an effort that feels MEDIUM...
... it is challenging, but comfortable.
... it feels harder than a
... you could maintain this intensity for
Exercise for 3 minutes at an effort that feels HARD..
... it is challenging and uncomfortable but achievable.
... it feels like a competitive pace that you could not do for very long.
... you could maintain this intensity for no more than
Cool down for 2 minutes.
The zones each have an upper and lower limit based on your average heart rate from each of the above segments.
Note: On page 13 you will find an alternate method for determining your heart rate zones.