operating the watch
vIewIng daIly records
the Sportline 955 can store up to 10 Daily records of Pedometer/exercise data for review.
note: If memory is full (10 Daily Records), the watch will automatically delete the oldest file in memory.
in Daily record mode:
1.Date stamp of file will appear in the upper display line. Scroll through dated files (most recent through oldest) by pressIng the r key.
2.total Steps are displayed in the center display line. exercise data is displayed in the upper display line: Date, exercise time, Distance, average Speed and Calories. Scroll through data of individual files by
pressIng the s/s key.
date | exercIse tIme | dIstance | average speed | calorIes |
/ steps | / steps | / steps | / steps | / steps |
press | press | press | press |
s/s | s/s | s/s | s/s |
scroll tHrougH
FIles: r
scroll tHrougH
data: s/s
3.press the mode key to exit Daily record mode.