If your computer is protected by a firewall, it may need to be set up to allow our SkyCaddie software programs to access the web. If your firewall software displays any warning messages during the activation process, simply indicate that you wish to allow access.
Connecting the SGX...
When connecting and disconnecting the SGX to your computer, make sure that it is powered OFF when you connect the cable. As soon as the cable is plugged into the
computer, the SGX should power on automatically.
You can browse the SkyCourse library anytime through the public area of www.skygolf.com. However, in order to obtain the courses for use with your SGX, you MUST have a Membership Plan and use CaddieSync to download them.
1.4 Downloading and Installing the CaddieSync™ Desktop Software
CaddieSync allows your SGX to communicate with SkyGolf (a process called syncing). It is used to register your SGX, search for
To install the latest version of CaddieSync onto your computer:
1.Using a computer with Internet connection, launch a web browser and type the following address in the address field: http://www.skygolf.com/caddiesync/start
2.In the right column, select the type of computer you own (PC or Mac), select “SGX” under model(s) you own, then click on “Download CaddieSync”.
3.Should a security
4.Once you’ve install CaddieSync, a desktop icon will appear on your computer. You can click on this icon to launch CaddieSync. If you click on the “Sync” link in CaddieSync, the software will try to detect whether or not your SGX is connected to your computer. If it is, you will be automatically logged into your account. If not, CaddieSync will prompt you to manually log into your SkyCaddie online account. If you do not yet have a SkyCaddie online account, one will be created using product registration.
1.5Activating and Registering Your SGX
Within 30 days of purchase, you MUST register your SGX. Registration is free, and it will allow you to activate the complementary
To register your SGX:
1.Launch CaddieSync on your computer.
2.Click on the “Activate a New SkyCaddie” button on the CaddieSync welcome page.
3.Follow the Get Connected setup assistant to register and activate your SkyCaddie. If you did not purchase your SkyCaddie online and have never had a SkyGolf website account, you will be able to setup a free online website account during this process. You will also have the option to choose one of several
1.6SkyCaddie Membership Benefits
You should expect the best in a rangefinder, and SkyCaddie believes your game is worth it. That’s why we invest thousands of
During registration, you’ll be given the option to select an annual Membership plan, providing you with a host of benefits and value. You can significantly increase the value of your SkyCaddie with these member benefits:
•You’ll enjoy unlimited access to the most reliable course information in golf. SkyCaddie maintains the largest
•You can trust that the information on your SkyCaddie is always