4.If you have a problem-...
tar ce eley t ~:ne - r tic- s?e Step 2) ant1 to k w+r one c’ :u- 1 : r sultants. 01 If you preter. *rite to
Mr. l&y Turner, \Js,z.r pr6,i dent Whrripco Corpofatlor
Admlnlstrative Center 2000
' v?U "lJS'cC1" | a wrlte.ofeaSe | Drwde |
irl order to better respond to your request ftx assrstance
The Window Exhaust Kit (Part No
LCK 3000) IS a convenrent way to exhaust your dryer thrcugh a wrndow to the outsIde
An Exhaust Deflector ,,Fzr? NC LCK4000, moves dryer e>hiaus? to a side up or 3owr’
The dr’der cxin Lx ~\jcl?fe:j on c ~a11 with the Dryer Wall Mount Kit (Parr N3 ,CK 2001; ‘le v,,,J /
erloL,;r: ‘0 sLJpp drf
be used In mob/e homes Have an
The dryer can be mounted on a stand at
(Par? No LCK 1100) A compact washer
car be permanently rnstalled and
operated under the drier
Jnoth,er Stack Rack Kit [Par+ No LCK
!COZ) IS ovarlable for washers that
.ti 3nlr be stored under ?he dryer
Senton harbor Michigan Automatic Washers. Clothes Dryers.
Part | No | 690728 | Q+.. | 7 | PrInted | In U 5 P |