JVC KS-F315EE manual Electrical Connections

Page 22





To prevent short circuits, we recommend that you disconnect the battery’s negative terminal and make all electrical connections before installing the unit. If you are not sure how to install this unit correctly, have it installed by a qualified technician.


This unit is designed to operate on 12 volts DC, NEGATIVE ground electrical systems. If your vehicle does not have this system, a voltage inverter is required, which can be purchased at JVC IN-CAR ENTERTAINMENT dealers.

Replace the fuse with one of the specified rating. If the fuse blows frequently, consult your JVC IN-CAR ENTERTAINMENT dealer.

If noise is a problem...

This unit incorporates a noise filter in the power circuit. However, with some vehicles, clicking or other unwanted noise may occur. If this happens, connect the unit’s rear ground terminal (See connection diagram below.) to the car’s chassis using shorter and thicker cords, such as copper braiding or gauge wire. If noise still persists, consult your JVC IN-CAR ENTERTAINMENT dealer.

Maximum input of the speakers should be more than 40 watts at the rear and 40 watts at the front, with an impedance of 4 to 8 ohms.

Be sure to ground this unit to the car’s chassis.

The heat sink becomes very hot after use. Be careful not to touch it when removing this unit.

Дëя ïðåäîòâðàùåíèя êîðîòêèõ çàìûêàíèé ìû ðåêîìåíäóåì Вàì îòñîåäèíèòü îòðèöàòåëüíûé ðàçúåì àêêóìóëяòîðà è îñóùåñòâèòü âñå ïîäêëþ÷åíèя ïåðåä óñòàíîâêîé óñòðîéñòâà. Еñëè Вû íå çíàåòå òî÷íî, êàê ñëåäóåò óñòàíàâëèâàòü ýòî óñòðîéñòâî, îáðàòèòåñü ê êâàëèôèöèðîâàííîìó ñïåöèàëèñòó.


Эòî óñòðîéñòâî ðàçðàáîòàíî äëя ýêñïëóàòàöèè íà 12 В ïîñòîяííîãî íàïðяæåíèя ñ ìèíóñîì íà ìàññå. Еñëè Вàø àâòîìîáèëü íå èìååò ýòîé ñèñòåìû, òðåáóåòñя èíâåðòîð íàïðяæåíèя, êîòîðûé ìîæåò áûòü ïðèîáðåòåí ó äèëåðà JVC IN-CAR ENTERTAINMENT.

Зàìåíяéòå ïðåäîõðàíèòåëü äðóãèì ïðåäîõðàíèòåëåì óêàçàííîãî êëàññà. Еñëè ïðåäîõðàíèòåëü ñãîðàåò ñëèøêîì ÷àñòî, îáðàòèòåñü ê äèëåðó JVC IN-CAR ENTERTAINMENT.

Пðè ïîяâëåíèè ñèëüíûõ ïîìåõ...

Эòî óñòðîéñòâî îñíàùåíî ôèëüòðîì ïîìåõ â öåïè ïèòàíèя. Оäíàêî, â íåêîòîðûõ ñëó÷àяõ âîçìîæíî ïîяâëåíèå ùåë÷êîâ è äðóãèõ íåæåëàòåëüíûõ ïîìåõ. В ýòîì ñëó÷àå ïîäêëþ÷èòå çàäíèé ðàçúåì çàçåìëåíèя ýòîãî óñòðîéñòâà (ñì. ñõåìó ïîäêëþ÷åíèя íèæå) ê øàññè àâòîìîáèëя ïðè ïîìîùè áîëåå êîðîòêèõ è òîëñòûõ ïðîâîäîâ. Еñëè ïîìåõè íå èñ÷åçàþò, îáðàòèòåñü ê äèëåðó JVC IN-CAR ENTERTAINMENT.

Maêñèìàëüíàя âõîäíàя ìîùíîñòü ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé íå äîëæíà ïðåâûøàòü 40 Вò íà çàäíèõ è 40 Вò íà ïåðåäíèõ ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëяõ, ñ ðàñ÷åòíûì ñîïðîòèâëåíèåì îò 4 äo 8 Оì.

Нe çàáóäüòå çàçåìëèòü óñòðîéñòâî íà øàññè àâòîìîáèëя.

Рàäèàòîð âî âðåìя èñïîëüçîâàíèя ñèëüíî íàãðåâàåòñя. Сòàðàéòåñü åãî íå òðîãàòü âî âðåìя óäàëåíèя óñòðîéñòâà.

Heat sink Рàäèàòîð

AIf your car is equipped with the ISO connecter

AЕñëè Вàø àâòîìîáèëü îáîðóäîâàí ðàçúåìàìè


Connect the ISO connectors as illustrated.

Пîäêëþ÷èòå ðàçúåìû ISO, êàê ïîêàçàíî íà èëëþñòðàöèè.

From the car body

For some VW/Audi or Opel (Vauxhall) automobile

Дëя íåêîòîðûõ àâòîìîáèëåé VW/Audi èëè Opel (Vauxhall)

You may need to modify the wiring of the supplied power cord as illustrated.

• Contact your authorized car dealer before installing this unit.

Вàì ìîæåò ïîòðåáîâàòüñя èçìåíåíèå ñîåäèíåíèé ïîëó÷åííîãî â êîìïëåêòå êàáåëя ïèòàíèя, êàê ïîêàçàíî íà èëëþñòðàöèè.

• Пåðåä óñòàíîâêîé óñòðîéñòâà îáðàòèòåñü ê Вàøåìó îôèöèàëüíîìó äèëåðó àâòîìîáèëя.

Нà êîðïóñå àâòîìîáèëя

B1 A1

B2 A2

B3 A3

B4 A4




ISO connector of the supplied power cord




Рàçúåì ISO, ïîëó÷åííûé â êîìïëåêòå




êàáåëя ïèòàíèя

















View from the lead side Вèä ñî ñòîðîíû êîíòàêòîâ

Original wiring Иñõîäíîå ñîåäèíåíèå

ISO connector Рàçúåì ISO

Modified wiring 1 Мîäèôèöèðîâàííîå ñîåäèíåíèå 1

Modified wiring 2 Mîäèôèöèðîâàííîå ñîåäèíåíèå 2

















Use modified wiring 2 if the unit does not turn on.

Еñëè óñòðîéñòâî íå âêëþ÷àåòñя, ìîäèôè- öèðóéòå êàáåëü ïî ñõåìå 2.

PRECAUTIONS on power supply and speaker connections:

DO NOT connect the speaker leads of the power cord to the car battery; otherwise, the unit will be seriously damaged.

Connect the black lead (ground), yellow lead (to car battery, constant 12V), and red lead (to an accessory terminal) correctly.

BEFORE connecting the speaker leads of the power cord to the speakers, check the speaker wiring in your car.

If the speaker wiring in your car is as illustrated in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2 below, DO NOT connect the unit using that original speaker wiring. If you do, the unit will be seriously damaged.

Redo the speaker wiring so that you can connect the unit to the speakers as illustrated in Fig. 3.

If the speaker wiring in your car is as illustrated in Fig. 3, you can connect the unit using the original speaker wiring in your car.

If you are not sure of the speaker wiring of your car, consult your car dealer.







L -


L -


L -








R -


R -


R -


Fig. 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

Рèñóíîê 1

Рèñóíîê 2

Рèñóíîê 3

ПРЕДОСТЕРЕЖЕНИЯ ïî ïèòàíèþ è ïîäêëþ÷åíèþ ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé:

НЕ ïîäêëþ÷àéòå ïðîâîäà ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé ê àêêóìóëяòîðó àâòîìîáèëя, èíà÷å óñòðîéñòâî áóäåò ïîâðåæäåíî.

Пðàâèëüíî ïîäêëþ÷èòå ÷åðíûé ïðîâîä (çåìëя), æåëòûé ïðîâîä (â àêêóìóëяòîð, ïîñòîяííûé 12 В) è êðàñíûé ïðîâîä (â âñïîìîãàòåëüíûé ðàçúåì).

ПЕРЕД ïîäêëþ÷åíèåì ïðîâîäîâ ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé ê êàáåëþ ïèòàíèя ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëя ïðîâåðüòå ñõåìó ñîåäèíåíèé ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé â Вàøåì àâòîìîáèëå.

Еñëè ñîåäèíåíèя ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé â Вàøåì àâòîìîáèëå ñîîòâåòñòâóåò èëëþñòðàöèè 1 è 2, НЕ ïîäêëþ÷àéòå óñòðîéñòâî ïðè ïîìîùè èñõîäíîãî êàáåëя ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé. Еñëè Вû ýòî ñäåëàåòå, óñòðîéñòâî áóäåò ïîâðåæäåíî.

Пðèâåäèòå ñîåäèíåíèя ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé â ñîîòâåòñòâèå ñ èçîáðàæåíèåì íà ðèñóíêå 3.

Еñëè ñõåìà ñîåäèíåíèé ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé â Вàøåì àâòîìîáèëå ñîîòâåòñòâóåò èëëþñòðàöèè 3, Вû ìîæåòå ïîäêëþ÷èòü óñòðîéñòâî, èñïîëüçóя èñõîäíóþ ñõåìó ñîåäèíåíèé ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé â Вàøåì àâòîìîáèëå.

Еñëè Вû íå çíàåòå ñîåäèíåíèå ãðîìêîãîâîðèòåëåé â Вàøåì àâòîìîáèëå, îáðàòèòåñü ê Вàøåìó àâòîìîáèëüíîìó äèëåðó.

Connecting the leads / Пîäêëþ÷åíèå êîíòàêòîâ

Twist the core wires when connecting.

Solder the core wires to connect them

Зàêðóòèòå êîíöû ïðîâîäîâ ïðè ñîåäèíåíèè.


Сïàяéòå ïðîâîäà äëя íàäåæíîãî





To prevent short-circuit, cover the terminals of the UNUSED leads with insulating tape.

Дëя ïðåäîòâðàùåíèя êîðîòêîãî çàìûêàíèя çàêëåéòå íåèñïîëüçóåìûå êîíöû èçîëèðóþùåé ëåíòîé.

Image 22
Contents KS-F315 Contents Basic Operations Adjust the volumeAdjust the sound as you want see pages 11 Play the sourceSelect the band FM1, FM2, FM3 or AM Radio OperationsListening to the radio HigherStart searching a stationFM station automatic preset SSM Storing stations in memoryManual preset Tune into a station of 88.3 MHzEnglish Tuning into a preset station To tune in the favorite stationWhen an FM stereo broadcast is hard to receive Other convenient tuner functionsInsert a cassette Tape OperationsListening to a tape Select the tape directionIndication For Preset values Sound AdjustmentsSelecting preset sound modes Turning on/off the loudness functionAdjust the level Adjusting the soundSelect the item you want to adjust Indication To do RangeStoring your own sound adjustments Finish the setting Setting the clockAdjust the minute To check the current clock time changing the display modeDetaching the control panel How to detach the control panelHow to attach the control panel Unlock the control panelTo keep the tape clean MaintenanceTo clean the heads To extend the lifetime of the unitTroubleshooting Symptoms Causes RemediesMW Tuner SP EcificationsFM Tuner LW TunerHaving Trouble with operation? Please reset your unit KS-F315 Troubleshooting Bыявление Неисправностей Electrical Connections Amplifier / Уñèëèòåëü

KS-F315EE specifications

The JVC KS-F315EE is a car audio receiver that embodies a blend of advanced technology and user-friendly features, making it a popular choice among car enthusiasts and casual listeners alike. This stereo system is designed to enhance the in-car audio experience, delivering clear sound quality and versatile connectivity options.

One of the standout features of the KS-F315EE is its integrated CD player, allowing users to enjoy their favorite CDs with impressive audio fidelity. The system supports various audio formats, ensuring compatibility with a wide range of music collections. Additionally, the receiver incorporates an AM/FM tuner with 24 preset stations, enabling easy access to local radio channels.

The KS-F315EE boasts a user-friendly interface with a bright, clear LCD display that makes navigating through playlists and settings straightforward, even in low-light conditions. The rotary volume control and straightforward buttons ensure that users can adjust settings quickly and without distraction while driving.

In terms of connectivity, the JVC KS-F315EE is equipped with a front auxiliary input, allowing users to connect external devices such as smartphones or portable music players. This feature is particularly useful for those who have music collections stored on their phones or want to stream audio from apps. Furthermore, the receiver is ready for Bluetooth connectivity, providing the option for wireless audio streaming and hands-free calling when paired with compatible devices.

The audio performance of the KS-F315EE is enhanced by its built-in equalizer, which allows users to customize sound preferences according to personal taste. With multiple preset EQ settings, users can easily switch between different audio profiles, whether they prefer a bass-heavy sound or a more balanced audio experience.

The durability and design of the JVC KS-F315EE are also noteworthy. Its compact size makes installation in various vehicle models seamless, while the sleek design adds a modern touch to any car interior. Additionally, the receiver features anti-shock protection, which minimizes disruption from bumps and vibrations during driving.

In conclusion, the JVC KS-F315EE car audio receiver combines sophisticated features with user-friendly technology to deliver a remarkable audio experience on the road. With its support for multiple audio formats, customizable sound settings, and versatile connectivity options, it remains a reliable choice for anyone looking to upgrade their car's audio system.