4Program Selection and Starting Machine
Plug | you machine to outlet. Turn on the machine by press- | program. If you are using additional function press desired | |||||||||||
ing “On/Off” key. Open the door by pulling the handle and | additional function key. | ||||||||||||
load the machine without exceeding loading capacity and | Afterwards place appropriate detergent and softener to | ||||||||||||
close the door. Specify the appropriate program by look- | your machine’s detergent drawer. Start your machine by | ||||||||||||
ing at program selection table according to type of laundry, | pressing Start/Pause/Cancel button. Start/Pause/Cancel | ||||||||||||
degree of soiledness and washing temperature. Position | key’s led will be on. After your machine starts, you can fol- | ||||||||||||
program selection key to desired washing | low from the program progress display at which step your | ||||||||||||
perature. Select convenient spin cycle related to selected | machine is. | ||||||||||||