Electra Accessories EW-2001MS user manual Contents

Page 2


Names of the parts

Safety precautions

Installation and adjustment

Preparation before washing

The musts in washing

Usage of the detergent

Select the wash time

Finish washing

Disposal after washing


Packing list *Specification

Image 2 Electra Accessories EW-2001MS user manual Contents
Contents Mini Washing Machine Contents Meaning and description of the symbols Names of the partsSafety× ¢ Òprecautionsâ Ê Â Ï î Do not use water hotter than 50 CSafety precautions × ¢ Ò â Ê Â Ï îInstallation and adjustment Usage of the drain hoseAdjust the installation position Install the water inlet hose Select the water level´ Ç × ¼ ± ¸ Preparation before washingSelect the wash time Musts in washingUsage of the detergent Finish washingCleaning the lint filter Disposal after washingPacking list Specification× Ï ä Ë µ Ã ÷