To extend the
ting the Permanent Press cycle. This will extend the
The signal will sound four times every 2 minutes during the press care period except for the last 2 minutes when the signal will
sound every 20 seconds. The signal can be turned off by touching the "Signal On/Off" pad. Press care can be canceled or added any time during the program.
Each pad has a small indicator light to let you know the control has acknowledged your instruction. If you open the door wl_ile the dryer is running, the indicator light on the interrupted cycle will blink to remind you which pad to press to restart the dryer. Option lights will not blink when the door is opened and do not have to be reset. The indicator lights shown on top of Page 8 indicate the dryer is operating on the Permanent Press cycle with the delicate temp and press care option selected.
When El, E2 (shown) or E3 appears in the display, the dryer is operating
in the electronic drying mode.
When'a number appears in the display and the "cool" light is off, the dryer
is counting down a time dry program.
When a number appears in the display and the "cool" light is on, the dryer
is operating in the cool period of a dryer program or in Air Fluff. If Press
Care has been selected it is counting down the press care period.
NOTE: If a number followed by the letter "E" appears in the dryer display, a dryer component may
have malfunctioned and you should contact your Maytag dealer.
Clean the control panel with a soft damp cloth. Do not use any abrasive powders or cleaning pads_