8 Adjustable Data Windows, Used by Bird's Eye Big Digits,
Chart Big Digits, and Instrument View
Readouts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 (con’t.)
WPTnext/ETA/DTG | Waypoint Next/Estimated Time of Arrival/Distance to Go. |
| Waypoint Next is the next waypoint on the route. Estimated |
| Time of Arrival is the estimated time of arrival to the next |
| waypoint on the route. Distance To Go is the distance between |
| the current position of the boat and the next waypoint on the |
| route. |
WPTnext/TTG/DTG | Waypoint Next/Time To Go/Distance to Go. |
| Waypoint Next is the next waypoint on the route. Time To Go |
| is the estimated time required to reach the next waypoint on |
| the route. TTG is calculated using the SOG and DTG. Distance |
| To Go is the distance between the current position of the boat |
| and the next waypoint on the route. |
Waypoint/TTG | Waypoint/Time To Go. |
| Waypoint/Time To Go for the next waypoint on the route. |
XTE | Cross Track Error is the |
| the intended Track. XTE measures how far the boat is off |
| course, and also triggers the Off Course Alarm. |