fish symbols for narrow beam returns.
The options in the Transducer menu are "Dual", which uses both transducer elements for transmitting and receiving the sonar signals, "Narrow" which selects ments available in the Transducer menu will be "Left", "Right", and "Both". More information about these options is discussed in "Wide Side Operation".
As the Wide Vision receives returned signals, the sensitivity of the receiver is adjusted automatically based on a number of factors such as the depth of the water, and the signal clarity. In murky water, full of debris, the Wide Vision will select a lower sensitivity setting. In clear water, where there is little debris to defract the sonar signal, the sensitivity is set higher.
The Sensitivity menu allows you to "bias" this automatic setting up or down based on personal preference.
You can select a bias of +5 to
even the smallest returns are displayed
A setting of