into pin 2 of MIX5 IC7 (SN1 691 3P) via the LPF . In MIX5 , the signal is mixed with the signal generated by PLL4 an d goes through the BPF to generate a signal in the range o f 6 .53 MHz to 6 .6301 MHz (in 100 Hz steps) . The gener- ated signal is supplied to pin 5 .
PLL2 consists of IC9 (MN6147) and its loop circuitry . VCO2, Q18 (2SC2668(, is locked in the range of 58 .2 5 MHz to 53 .2501 MHz . The 9 MHz reference frequenc y signal is supplied to pin 3 of IC9, where the signal is divide d by 450 to generate a 20 kHz signal for frequency com- parison . VCO2's output goes through buffer amplifier Q1 9 (2SC2668(, and is fed into MIX4 pin 2 and mixed wit h the 6 .35 MHz to 6 .63 MHz signals applied to pin 5 . The mixed signal then goes through the BPF to obtain 64 .7 8 MHz to 59 .88 MHz signal (in 100 kHz steps) . Th e 64 .78 MHz to 59 .88 MHz signal is fed into IC9_ pin 16 vi a buffer amplifier Q15 (2SC2668) . In IC9, the signal is divide d by M, and the phase of signal is compared with that of th e
20 kHz reference signal by the phase comparator, and thu s MIX4 output is locked (in 100 kHz step) . The division ratio M is supplied from the digital unit (DA0 to DA3 and CK1), and i s in 50 steps from 3239 to 2994 corresponding to 0 .00 MHz to 0 .49 MHz .
The output from PLL2 goes through buffer amplifier Q2 0 (2SC2668) and is divided by ten in IC 10 (M54460L) . Vi a the LPF, the signal is fed into pin 2 of MIX3 IC1 1 (SN 16913P) . The frequency of the signals depends on th e values of L and M, and is in the range of 5 .825 MHz t o 5 .32501 MHz (10 Hz step) .
VR1 in MIX4 circuit is used to suppress spurious outputs from the mixer . It is necessary to prevent PLL2 from be - coming unlocked .
Signals generated by PLL2 and the 9 MHz reference fre- quency are mixed in MIX3 . The mixed signal goes throug h the BPF, and is further mixed with fLo in MIX2 IC1 2 (SN16913P) on the IF unit . The output from MIX2 goe s through the BPF to obtain 38 .55 MHz to 39 .04999 MHz . The signals are then mixed with the output from the fina l VCO oscillator in MIX1 .
•PLL 1
The last PLL loop, PLL1, consists of IC1 7 (MB87006) an d its loop components . In IC 17, frequency division for refer - ence and comarison frequencies is set by serial data (SO , SCK, and LEI . When an external prescaler is used, IC1 7 has a modulus control function for configuring the puls e swallow counter .
The VCO oscillator output from the RF unit goes throug h Q26 (2SC2668) in the PLL unit and is fed into MIX 1 . Th e mixed signals go through the BPF, and they are then am - plified by buffer amplifiers Q27 thru Q30 (2SC2668) , shaped by IC 15 (SN74S 10N 1 /3), and fed into IC 1 6 (WN74S 1 12N) 1/3, or 1 /2 prescaler . Basically, IC 16 is a two-level FF circuit and functions as a 1 /4 divider . But, when IC17 of the PLL unit sends control signals, to IC 1 6 , IC 16 functions as a 1 /3 or 1 /2 frequency divider in con - junction with IC 1 5 (2/3) . That is, the IC 1 5, IC 16, and IC1 7 form a pulse swallow frequency divider .
The 9 MHz reference frequency signal is supplied to pi n 1 of IC17, where the signals are divided by 18 to gener- ate a 500 kHz signal for frequency comparison . Signal s fed into IC17 pin 8 via MIX1 and the buffer amplifier ar e divided by N, and the phase is compared with that of th e 500 kHz reference signals by the phase comparator . The signal then goes through the active LPFs Q31 to Q3 3 (2SC2459) and is fed into the RF unit as VCO voltage sig - nals to control the variable capacitor of the final VCO . The frequency divider N covers the full range of operating fre - quencies from 30 kHz to 30 MHz (500 kHz step), and i t has 61 steps of frequency division data supplied by th e microprocessor in the digital unit .
The last VCO signal in PLL1 therefore depends on th e values of L, M, and N, and it is in the range from 45 .08 MHz to 75 .05 MHz (10 Hz step) . N is expressed as follows :
N=PNo - A (No>A )
P:Prescaler module valu e
No : Programmable counter valu e
A : Swallow counter valu e
PLL IC contains No and A .
The last VCO unit is contained in the RF unit and consist s of four VCOs, each handling one portion of frequencies from 30 kHz to 30 MHz . The appropriate VCO is selecte d by the microprocessor according to band information fro m the digital unit .
•Unloc k
If a PLL loop enters a unlock state, the output on the U L pin becomes L . This L signal is sent to the digital unit t o stop the microprocessor .
•500 kHz marker signa l
The 500 kHz reference signal for frequency compariso n is supplied from IC17 pin 13, and it is used as the marke r reference signal .
5 . Digital control circuit
The TS-440 digital control circuit uses an 8-bit CPU (7800 ) which does not contain ROM, and has a 16K ROM (27128 ) and a 2K RAM 18418) outside the CPU . A common bus use d for data exchange between the CPU and RAM, and betwee n the CPU and ROM and is also connected in parallel to th e two 8255's for extended I/O and an 8251 for interface t o a personal computer (option) . To transfer data to or from a n appropriate IC, the CPU uses the WR or RD signal , and the chip select signal from the 74LS138 .
The display is dynamically controlled by software, and con- sists of 13 digits and nine segments . The 13 digit and seve n segment signal is driven by the high voltage resistive buffe r (6300), and the other two segment signals are driven by a transistor . The 7800 transfers data serially . The clock signa l is frequency divided by two in the 4013 and sent to the 6300 . Using the 4011 and 4030, the encoder generates count