JAVA Tech VERSION 3.0 manual ViewONE JavaScript Overview

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ViewONE JavaScript Overview

The ViewONE Javascript API offers an alternative mechanism to configure and control the ViewONE applet.

In many cases the use of the Javascript API will not be required simply because most configuration parameters can be implemented using simple HTML (see ViewONE HTML manual).

However, where a more dynamic operation is required, for example, where it is desired to configuration parameters during the operation of ViewONE, perhaps to change a document without reloading a web page, rotate a page, invert etc then the JavaScript API is ideal.

Additionally, traditional web viewing applications habitually reload a web page in order to view or change the currently viewed image/document.

But with ViewONE’s extensive Image/Document open/close JavaScript API methods it is possible to avoid web page refreshing entirely. This can result in significant performance improvements since all delays due to web page rehfreshing (and therefore Java Engine reloading and applet restarting) are avoided.

Daeja has produced white paper specifically addressing performance tuning which covers the area of web page refreshing and applet reloading. Please visit Daeja’s web site to download white papers

Browser Note:

Please note, some browsers are case sensitive and so we advise the use of method names in exactly the same case as specified in this manual. Failure to adhere to this may result in methods not being called correctly.


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Contents ViewONE JavaScript API Manual Contents Specifying an Annotations File Viewing Toolbars and Buttons Timeout/User Idle Control Introduction Applet user interface ViewONE Standard Installing ViewONEViewONE Pro Mayscript parameterApple Macintosh users JavaScript Apple Macintosh users Html Using ViewONE Standard on IE for Apple Macintosh Setting up Windows 2003 server Page Page ViewONE JavaScript Overview JavaScript Reference Method isReady General Applet ControlMethod getVersion ViewONE.closeDocument Closes an open document Opening documents and imagesOpenFilefilename, CloseDocumentPage Method Group Method openListlistFile, MethodgetNumPages ReloadListOpenDocindex NextDoc PrevDoc FirstDoc LastDoc GetDocIndex GetNumDocsMethod previousPage MethodsetPagepageMethod getPage Method nextPageMethod getCacheFile MethodgetDocReferenceMethodsetAnnotationFilefilename Specifying an Annotations FileMethodsaveSelectedfilename Saving documents and imagesSavefilename SavePagefilenameMethodisMultipageTif Document hyperlinks SetHyperlinkurl, dblClickClearHyperlink Method Pro-Only Method Pro-Only Method Cold Viewing Options Pro-Only SetBackgroundImagefilename, pageNumber IsBackgroundImageEnabled SetBackgroundImageEnabledtrue/falseSetIndexListFileURL Document Indexes Pro-OnlyIsInverted ImageInvert SetInvertedtrue/falseSetRotationangle IsEnhancetrue/falseSetEnhanceModemode GetEnhanceModeMethod getRotation Method initializeRotationArrayint sizeMethod setRotationArrayint angle, int Method applyRotationArraySetFlipmode MethodrotateClockwiseMethod rotateCounterclockwise Rotate180GetStates GetFlipSetScalescale GetScaleMethod zoom100 ViewONE.zoom100 Zooms image to 100% full resolutionMethod setStatesstring states Method zoomOutSetXYScrollx, y Method setZoomzoomMethod setZoomAndXYScrollzoom, x, y Method zoomAreax, y, width, height, highlight, secondsMethod setBrightnesspercent Method setDraggingEnabledtrue/falseMethod isDraggingEnabled Method resetBrightnessMethod getContrast Method resetContrastMethod getBrightness Method setContrastpercentMethod getImageWidth Method resetLuminanceMethod setLuminancepercent Method getLuminanceMethod getXResolution Method getYResolutionGetImageHeight Viewing SetViewviewGetView Method setMagnifiertrue/false SetAreaZoomtrue/falseIsAreaZoom ToggleAreaZoomMethod setMagnifierInternaltrue/false Method getMagFactor IsMagnifierToggleMagnifier SetMagFactorIsNewWindowVisible SetImageForeColorcolorShowImageForeColorDialog ShowImageBackColorDialog SetImageBackColorcolorLabels Method copyPageToClipboard Selection and clipboardMethod selectPageint pageNumber Method clearSelectionsPrintRange PrintingPrintPage PrintDocumentSetPrintDialogtrue/false PrintSelectedPrintVisible PrintTransformedMethod isPrintDialog Method setPrintCopiesintegerMethod setPrinterstring Or some other informational text Method setPrintHeaderheaderStringMethod setPrintAutoRotate true/false SetStatusBartrue/false Toolbars and ButtonsMethod setScrollbarstrue/false IsScrollbarsMethod isFileButtons Method setFileButtonstrue/falseMethod setImageButtonstrue/false IsImageButtonsSetPrintButtonstrue/false Method setNewWindowButtonstrue/false Method isPrintButtonsSetInvertButtonstrue/false IsInvertButtonsMethod setAllButtonstrue/false IsNewWindowButtonsSetViewButtonstrue/false Method isViewButtonsMethod isAllButtons MethodsetPageButtonstrue/falseMethod isPageButtons ToggleAdjustTool SetAdjustToolVisibleOnOffIsAdjustToolVisible ViewONE.setFileMenustrue Menus and keysSetFileMenustrue/false IsFileMenusSetViewMenustrue/false IsViewMenusViewONE.setViewMenustrue SetImageMenustrue/false IsImageMenusViewONE.setImageMenustrue SetPrintMenustrue/false IsPrintMenusViewONE.setPrintMenustrue SetPageMenustrue/false IsPageMenusViewONE.setPageMenustrue SetSelectMenustrue/false IsSelectMenusViewONE.setSelectMenustrue SetPreferenceMenustrue/false IsPreferenceMenusViewONE.setPreferenceMenustrue IsFileKeys SetAllMenustrue/falseIsAllMenus SetFileKeystrue/falseIsImageKeys SetImageKeystrue/falseSetPrintKeystrue/false IsPrintKeysSetViewKeystrue/false SetSelectKeystrue/false IsViewKeysSetPageKeystrue/false IsPageKeysMethod isSelectKeys Method setAllKeystrue/falseMethod isAllKeys Method stopTimeout Timeout/User Idle ControlMethod setTimeoutseconds Method getTimeoutMethod getTimeLeft Event Handler and Event Handling Events handler change in ViewONE Version DocN Html tag is used see Html manual End tab Events ids and descriptionsReady First time the page is viewed HSPACE=0 VSPACE=0 Event Handler exampleMayScript tag Testing your Event Handler