Stearns Recreational 1341, 1339 manual Donning Instructions, Additional Notes on CO 2 Cylinders

Page 7
c annot be recharged.

Additional Notes on CO 2 Cylinders:

FAILURE t o properly rearm t he inflat ion mechanism


t o

inst alling

t he


Cy linder

will result


premat ure

ac tiv at ion

of t he c y linder.




Cy linders are



f or one

inflat ion


CO2 Cy linders are made with a prot ec t iv e c oat ing t hat may wear of f af t er a period of us e or ex pos ure t o t he

environment .


t his c oat ing

is worn

of f, t he CO2

Cy linder may

s t art

t o s how

s ome

s igns


rust ing. I f

t his

oc curs , replac e t he CO2

Cy linder.



I f a

gram s c ale (s uc h as a

post al s c ale)


av ailable,

it is


t o weigh

t he c y linder

t o v erif y t hat

it meet s t he minimum weight

imprint ed on

t he c y linder.



Wear like a jacket, inserting arms between straps and fabric.


Close front buckle. Manual pull lanyard should be visible on your lower right side.


Adjust waist strap through slide located on right side until comfortably snug fit is obtained. Tuck free end of belt under waist strap.


Image 7
Contents Do not Remove Prior to Sale Conditions for this Type V Approval Approved Only When WornYou must learn how to properly arm the PFD II. Mandatory Carriage Requirements PRE-DONNING Instructions SpecificationsWhere and How to Check the Pill Water Sensing Element III. Instructions for USEExamine Your CO2 Cylinder See Rearming Instructions on back cover of this bookAdditional Notes on CO 2 Cylinders Donning InstructionsInflation Instructions Inflated Donning InstructionsOther Inflation Precautions Rearming and Indicator Check InstructionsDeflation Instructions Other USE Guidelines Refer to the back inside cover for Repacking InstructionsInspection IV. is Your PFD in Good and Serviceable CONDITION?Care and Maintenance Instructions General Product Life ExpectancyRearming of Inflator Mechanism Care and Cleaning InstructionsStorage Rearming Components VI. WHY are Pfds Required Safety EQUIPMENT?Repair ServicingHOW do YOU Test Your PFD Using the Automatic INFLATOR? VII. HOW and WHY to Test Your PFD?HOW do YOU Test Your PFD Using the Manual INFLATOR? HOW do YOU Test Your PFD Using the Oral Inflator IX. Hypothermia VIII. Wear Your PFDSome Points to Remember About Hypothermia Protection Page Product Registration Order to Receive Important Updates on this PFDXI. Additional Information Do not Attach Pfds to Your Boat CO2 Permeation LossAlways deflate the PFD and rearm the Inflation Mechanism Repacking InstructionsRearming / Status Indicatorinstructions Secumatic 3001S