Quantum 6-01376-05 manual Example, Affinities

Page 12

StorNext File System Tuning

The Metadata Controller System


[stripeGroup RegularFiles] Status UP

Exclusive No ##Non-Exclusive stripeGroup for all Files## Read Enabled

Write Enabled StripeBreadth 256K MultiPathMethod Rotate Node CvfsDisk6 0 Node CvfsDisk7 1


Affinities are another stripe group feature that can be very beneficial. Affinities can direct file allocation to appropriate stripe groups according to performance requirements. For example, stripe groups can be set up with unique hardware characteristics such as fast disk versus slow disk, or wide stripe versus narrow stripe. Affinities can then be employed to steer files to the appropriate stripe group. For optimal performance, files that are accessed using large DMA-based

I/O could be steered to wide-stripe stripe groups. Less performance- critical files could be steered to slow disk stripe groups. Small files could be steered to narrow-stripe stripe groups.


[stripeGroup VideoFiles] Status UP

Exclusive Yes

##These Two lines set Exclusive stripeGroup##

Affinity VideoFiles

##for Video Files Only##

Read Enabled


Write Enabled

StripeBreadth 4M

MultiPathMethod Rotate

Node CvfsDisk2 0

Node CvfsDisk3 1

StorNext File System Tuning Guide


Image 12
Contents 01376-05 Copyright Statement Contents StorNext File System Tuning Underlying Storage SystemRAID Cache Configuration RAID Write-Back Caching RAID Read-Ahead Caching RAID Level, Segment Size, and Stripe Size File Size Mix and Application I/O Characteristics Direct Memory Access DMA I/O TransferBuffer Cache NFS / Cifs Metadata Network Metadata Controller SystemFSM Configuration File Settings Stripe GroupsExample AffinitiesStripeBreadth BufferCacheSizeInodeCacheSize ThreadPoolSizeForcestripeAlignment FsBlockSizeJournalSize Snfs ToolsStorNext File System Tuning Metadata Controller System StorNext File System Tuning Metadata Controller System StorNext File System Tuning Metadata Controller System MountCommandOptions StorNext File System Tuning Metadata Controller System Hardware Configuration Distributed LAN Disk Proxy NetworksSnfs External API StorNext File System Tuning Guide Network Configuration and Topology SAN Distributed LAN Servers Windows Memory RequirementsStorNext File System Tuning Windows Memory Requirements StorNext File System Tuning Windows Memory Requirements Sample FSM Configuration File MAXStripeBreadth StorNext File System Tuning Sample FSM Configuration File StorNext File System Tuning Sample FSM Configuration File StorNext File System Tuning Sample FSM Configuration File