Samson manual MPL 1204 Features

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MPL 1204 Features

Electronically balanced XLR Main stereo outputs as well as an independent electronically balanced stereo Control Room output (with dedicated level control) for connection to a power amplifier and studio monitors.

A phantom power switch enables you to use the MPL 1204 with high-quality condenser microphones. When turned on, 48 volts of phantom power is provided to the mic connectors of all twelve input channels.

Two auxiliary sends and two stereo auxiliary returns (which can be routed to any of the four buses). Aux send 1 is pre-fader and post-equalizer, while Aux send 2 is post-fader and post-equalizer.

Independent 3-band equalization for each channel, with 15 dB of cut or boost for low (100 Hz) and high (10 kHz) frequencies, and 12 dB of cut or boost for mid (1 kHz) frequencies.

Constant level Pan controls for each channel that allow you to precisely place each input signal in the left-right plane.

Center detents for all Pan and EQ controls, making it easy to use the MPL 1204 even in low-light situations such as live performance.

Selectable Pre Fade Listen (PFL) or After Fade Listen (AFL) soloing for each channel. PFL allows headphone monitoring of individual channels, pre-fader (but post-EQ), while AFL enables headphone monitoring of individual channels, post-fader and post-EQ. Both types of solo function are non-mix-destructive in that they do not affect the signal being output

either by the Main, Bus, or Control Room outputs.

A flexible front panel metering system includes a ten-segment level meter and allows you to view at a glance the levels of the main Left/Right output, as well as main power, phantom power, and PFL or AFL status.

An independent front-panel headphone output with dedicated volume control for private monitoring of soloed channels.

Channel inserts for all twelve channels, enabling you to use outboard signal processors such as equalizers, compressor/ limiters, or noise gates in a standard “effect loop.”

Bus inserts allow external signals to be submixed into any or all of the four buses and also enables linking of multiple mixers.

The MPL 1204 can be mounted in any standard 19" rack (taking four rack spaces), making it easy to integrate into any existing system.

Last but certainly not least, affordability. The MPL 1204 has been designed from the ground up to provide versatility and excellent sound quality at a cost-conscious price.


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Contents Mixer Introduction Introduction / MPL 1204 Features MPL 1204 FeaturesMPL 1204 Features Guided Tour Overview SamsonGuided Tour Channels Guided Tour Channels Guided Tour Main Section SamsonGuided Tour Main Section Guided Tour Main Section Guided Tour Rear Panel Guided Tour Rear Panel Connecting The MPL 1204 General Suggestions + Signal GroundTIP Left Signal Ring Right Signal Sleeve Common Ground Setting Up and Using The MPL Setting the Correct Gain Structure Setting the Correct Gain Structure Grounding Techniques Busing, Submixing and Channel Muting Using Pan Using Equalization Using Aux Sends and Returns Using Inserts PFL/AFL Soloing Application 1 Using The MPL 1204 As a Recording Mixer ApplicationsApplication 2 Using The MPL 1204 As a Main Live Mixer Ring Tip Application 4 Linking The MPL 1204 With Other Mixers Appendix a Block Diagram Specifications Normal Limit Frequency Response ±3 dB