Turtle Beach Deluxe manual Preparing to Play, Enter and Sign In, Please, To sign in as a new user

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Preparing to Play

One of the most important factors in playing piano is how you sit at the keyboard. You should not have to strain to read the music.

Sit on a comfortable chair and place your hands on the piano keyboard. Keep both feet on the floor — no dangling feet. For younger students, place a stool or a stack of

phone books under their feet so they, too, can sit properly.

When you place your hands down, the keyboard should be slightly lower than your elbows. This gives you a natural position. Close your hands into fists (not too tightly) and place them on the keyboard. Make sure your wrists are comfortable and not hanging too low. Slowly open your hands until they have a natural shape. Watch that your thumbs do not fall off the keyboard. This is good hand positioning at the piano keyboard.

It’s important to have the computer keyboard, mouse, monitor and musical keyboard arranged comfortably. Place yourself in the center of the piano keyboard by locating Middle C. Remember that you are going to need the mouse and computer keyboard alongside the piano keyboard, so place them in a location that’s comfortable to reach.

Enter and Sign In, Please

Keyboard Lessons can keep track of many users’ progress. This means that all of the members of your family can learn to play — at their own pace — and Teach Me Piano Deluxe will keep track of them individually.

When you open Keyboard Lessons, you are presented with the Student Registration screen. If you are a new student, you need to enter your name and let Teach Me Piano Deluxe know what level student you are.

The three levels — Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced — all contain the same songs. The difference between the levels is how you are scored during the evaluations. If you select a higher level, the program will be more exacting when evaluating your playing.

To sign in as a new user:

1.Click New on the Student Registration screen to display the “Enter new user name” dialog box.

2.Type in your name and click the appropriate skill level — Beginner, Intermediate or Advanced.

3.Click OK to return to the Student Registration screen.

To run Keyboard Lessons after you’ve signed in:

Once you have entered your name as a new user, your name will appear in the Student

Registration dialog box.

1.Click your name to select it.

2.Click OK. Your name will appear as “Current Student” on the front of the piano.

Teach Me Piano Deluxe


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Contents Teach Me Piano Deluxe Teach Me Piano Deluxe Program Overview IntroductionWelcome Progress Report shows you how you’re doing … Music Games test your music skills… Online help is always available… Helpful Tips…What you’ll need to run the programs To install the softwareGetting Started Please register your software with usChecking your Midi keyboard connection Setting-Up Your Midi KeyboardKeyboard Shortcut Keys Piano Room ScreenLessons Keyboard LessonsTo run Keyboard Lessons after you’ve signed Preparing to PlayEnter and Sign In, Please To sign in as a new userAs a New User Keyboard Lessons’ Contents ScreenInformation Screen Adjusting the Volume in Keyboard LessonsKeyboard Lessons Screens Practicing Rhythm Getting the Beats Right Video ScreenTrainer Screen To perform a piece Performance ScreenPracticing Pitch Getting the Notes Right Practicing Rhythm & Pitch Getting Beats and Notes RightPerformance Options Using Note Names and Finger NumbersTo practice an area from the Evaluation Screen Evaluation ScreenSelecting a Range Progress Screen Chapter Review ScreenBase and Extended Level Synthesizers Changing the Setup in the Keyboard LessonsOrganizing Songs in the Songbook SongbookTo import a song When Importing Midi FilesImporting a Midi Song into the Song Book Deleting a Song from the SongbookFrom the Performance Screen you can Track-split OptionTo use the Track Split option To print a song Printing a SongMusician’s Reference Keyboard Tour Understanding Midi and Synthesis Working with songs you’ve learned in Music Lessons Using Recording Station’s sample Midi filesRecording Station What You Can Do With Recording StationRecording your own songs Using Jammin’ Keys to create background tracksRecording Tracks Downloading Midi songs from the WebRecording Drums on Track Recording Digital Audio TracksLoading a File from Jammin’ Keys Saving and Loading Recording SessionsMidi Track Controls Transport Controls and Displays Lyrics, Exit, Setup, and HelpTempo and Key Signature Controls Exercise 2 Record Piano and Vocals on America The Beautiful Recording Station ExercisesExercise 1 Load, play, and modify a Blues song Teach Me Piano Deluxe Improvise over the virtual band, with different instruments Jammin’ KeysWhat You Can Do With Jammin’ Keys Auto Riffs Zone Exit, Setup and HelpKeyboard Zones Accompaniment ZoneTo turn on Auto Jam Jam GridImprovising Zone Red and Green LightsSelecting a Lead Instrument Changing Instrument SoundsSelecting Effects Pad Sounds Breaks Styles and VariationsFills, Breaks, and Intro/End FillsTo change the key signature or tempo MixerTempo and Key Signature To start or end a jam session with the Intro/End buttonTo record a session in Jammin’ Keys Transport DisplayRecording, Saving and Loading Jam Sessions Transport ControlsTo load a previously recorded Jam Session To save a recorded jam sessionExercise 2 Import a jam into Recording Station Jammin’ Keys ExercisesExercise 1 Play a rock jam Teach Me Piano Deluxe Overview of Music Games Music GamesCheck your Sound Card and Connections Troubleshooting TipsSound Check Midi Output Test Troubleshooting Midi problemsMidi Thru Setting Midi Input TestDigital Audio and the Windows Temp file Troubleshooting Digital Audio ProblemsChecking Digital Recording and Playback