Tascam SX1OS manual Tips and Hints, Known issues, Sync Point Editing

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SX1OS V1.50 Final Release Notes

Tips and Hints

Sync Point Editing

The V1.00 Reference manual does not give a full explanation of the uses for the sync point.

The Sync Point belongs in the set of region selection registers, which are Begin, End and Sync.

When a region of time is first selected, the sync point is set to be the same as the begin point.

Whenever the selected data is pasted, the data is placed so that the sync point of the data on the clipboard is positioned at the currently marked begin point.

In most cases, the sync point is the same as begin point, so the pasted data appears to the right of the current begin point.

Changing the sync point to the end of the selection before pressing COPY or CUT allows the user to paste the data so that it ends at the currently marked begin point.

Or, any point in-between or even outside the selection can be marked as the SYNC point. For example, this is especially useful for post-production and audio-for- video editing where an explosion must be moved to line up with a given frame location, but the selection must start from before the explosion starts.

In that case, the whole region containing the explosion would be marked, then the waveform tab could be used to zoom in on the start of the explosion. Pressing ctrl+mouse click allows the sync point to be changed without affecting the currently selected begin and end points.

Then the region is CUT or COPYed, the new paste time is selected by a simple capture of the Begin register or clicking in region selection mode, then a PASTE will place the data so the start of the explosion is at the selected position, with the clipboard data spanning on either side.

The VGA time ruler shows the currently selected region as a yellow highlight, and the triangle pointing down icon is the sync point. The user can click and drag on this directly as well without affecting the begin and end points.

Known issues

While every effort has been made to fix problems found with this new version of the SX1OS, some issues remain.

Interaction between option cards and P2 remote control

If 2 or more of the option slots are filled with IF- AD/DM option cards, the P2 remote control function may stop working.

Workaround: This does not affect all users in this situation, but if it does occur, then no workaround has been found.

"Incorrect OS for this Hardware" error message

If an SX-1 displays this message on startup, this indicates a hardware incompatibility with the new OS.

Workaround: Contact Tascam to have your SX-1 serviced.

TASCAM SX1OS V1.50 Final Release Notes 2

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Contents Selecting everything between two points Manual correctionsAdditions New Front surface shortcutIncorrect OS for this Hardware error message Known issuesInteraction between option cards and P2 remote control Tips and Hints