2.Set MONITOR to MIC to select the remote microphone.
Note: The DJ’s microphone input cannot be monitored.
3.Set MONITOR LEVEL to approxi- mately halfway between mini- mum and maximum.
4.Adjust the volume control of the input source you selected until you hear the signal in the head- phones at the desired level.
Caution: Be careful not to acci- dentally slide up the main volume control of the monitored source before you are ready to put it “on the air.”
5.Repeat Steps 1 through 4 to select and preadjust the monitor volume level of the rest of the audio input sources (PHONO 1,
PHONO 2, LINE 1, or LINE 2) you want to monitor.
To monitor an audio input source, sim- ply select the desired MONITOR switch and use MONITOR LEVEL to adjust the volume as desired.
Listening Safely
Do not listen at extremely high volume levels. Extended,
Follow these guidelines to protect your hearing, especially when you use headphones.
•Always start by setting the volume to the lowest level possible before you begin listening. Put the ear- phone or headsets on, then grad- ually increase the volume as necessary.
•Once you set the volume, do not increase it. Over a period of time, your ears adapt to the volume level, so a volume level that does not cause discomfort might still damage your hearing.
Caution: As you begin to mix, be careful not to get into the habit of al- ways increasing volume levels to achieve the proper balance. You can bring high levels down just as easily as bring low levels up. Try to keep the independent level controls in the mid- dle position (3 to 8), and adjust the overall volume with the MASTER vol- ume control as well as the volume control of your input audio equipment. Listening at excessive volume levels will soon give you ‘’tired ears’’ and you won’t be as pleased with your finished product later.