1.INPUT: Connect your guitar or wire- less receiver into this standard 1/4" jack using a shielded instrument cable.
2.VOLUME: Set the output volume level of Channel One with this control.
3.LOW: Adjust the bottom end response with this control. The low control covers a range of 16dB at 100Hz.
4.MID: Adjust the midrange response with this control. The mid control cov- ers a range of 20dB at 700Hz.
5.BRIGHT: Add a biting edge to your sound by pressing this pushbutton switch in. The bright switch adds 5dB at 5kHz.
6.HIGH: Adjust the high end response with this control. The high control cov- ers a range of 20dB at 10kHz.
7.CHANNEL: Switch between chan- nels with this pushbutton switch. The adjacent green LED glows when Channel One is selected (switch "out"), the red LED glows when Channel Two is selected (switch "in"). When a footswitch is used for channel switch- ing, this switch is disabled.
| MASTER: | |
8. GAIN: Adjust the overdrive (distor- | 14. REVERB: Adjust the amount of | |||
tion) level with this control. With the | reverberation with this control: at the | |||
control towards “0” (to the left) the sig- | "0" position the signal is "dry" (no | |||
nal is relatively clean. As you bring the | reverb). As you bring the control up, | |||
control towards “5” (center position) | the amount of reverb increases. | |||
the distortion increases, along with the | 15. PRESENCE: Increase the level of | |||
overall output level. Keep turning the | ||||
upper harmonics with this control. The | ||||
control towards “10” and you’ll | ||||
presence control allows a boost of up | ||||
increase the distortion even more. | to 5dB at 10kHz. | |||
| ||
9. BOOST: Add a third channel (sort- | 16. STANDBY: This switch activates | |||
of) by pressing this pushbutton switch | ||||
the amplifier (providing the On/Off | ||||
in. The boost switch adds 8dB at 1kHz. | ||||
switch, #17, is at the ON position), and | ||||
| ||
10. LOW: Adjust the bottom end | should always be turned on last. The | |||
response with this control. The low | switch is ON in the up position. The | |||
control covers a range of 8dB at | amp should be left in the Standby | |||
100Hz. |
| mode (switch down) during set breaks. | |
11. MID: Adjust the midrange response | NOTE: When you first power up this | |||
with this control. The mid control covers | amplifier, leave the Standby switch | |||
a range of 12dB at 1kHz. |
| OFF for at least 20 seconds. This | ||
12. HIGH: Adjust | the | high end | gives the power tubes a chance to pre- | |
pare themselves for action. | ||||
response with this control. The high | ||||
| ||||
control covers a range | of 14dB at | 17. ON/OFF: This switch applies AC | ||
10kHz. |
| voltage to the amplifier in the UP posi- | |
13. LEVEL: Set the output signal level | tion, and should always be turned on | |||
first. The Active Lamp (#18) lights up | ||||
of Channel Two with this control. At the | ||||
when the AC power is on. | ||||
"0" position (full left) very little or no | ||||
| ||||
signal will be heard; as you bring the | 18. ACTIVE LAMP: This domed lamp | |||
control up (towards center) the output | lights when the amplifier is powered | |||
level of Channel Two increases. Use | up, indicating it is ready to be played. | |||
this control along with your guitar's vol- | (The lamp stays on regardless of the | |||
ume and the Gain control (#8) to pro- | setting of the Standby switch, #16.) | |||
duce a wide variety | of sounds. |