The Mackie Digital 8•Bus is an amazing digital audio tool. Its flexibility, depth, and creative pizazz provides the engineer/artist with nearly limitless freedom to produce top quality work.
The D8B Version 3.0 upgrade offers a host of new features that can make your mixes sound better and speed your workflow. Here’s a list of the newest features of the Mackie OS Version 3.0.
•Enhanced dynamics
•Input keying and EQ filter
•Soft knee compression toggle
•999 levels of Undo
•Automation Cut, Copy, and Paste
•Advanced Mix Editor features including:
°Contextual right mouse click for track parameters and time bars
°Event Automation Track
•Enhanced Surround Sound mixing environment with:
°Depth of Center Control
°Surround LFE Gain Control for each channel
°Surround GUI
•Triumphant Return of the
•Enhanced, flexible MIDI I/O mapping for all channel strip and master section parameters
•Assignable MIDI commands on transport (REW, FF, STOP, PLAY, REC) and on the D8B master control section
•Insert and patch point feature on channels— source either
•Time offset (delay) on each channel
•Channel Layout assigns channel strips in various orders
•Optional fader control of level to
•Multiple direct outs per channel
•Snapshot Library
•Pre/Post assignment of each aux send on each channel
•Improved BBT resolution and clocking accuracy
D8B Manual • Preface • page 1