•SEARCH BY ARTIST: Sorted alphabetically by first name
e.g. look for "Robbie Williams" under: Robbie
or "Green Day" under: Green Day
•SEARCH BY TITLE: This gives you the chance to look for titles alphabetically.
•SEARCH BY STYLE: This capability lets you search for items that match your own personal taste or any musical style that you need.
•FULL TEXT SEARCH: At the very right of top navigation bar you find a full text search engine. You can look for any title, artist, format or other term you like.
When you have found what you want, activating the DEMO buttons lets you hear the selected title before you buy it. You listen to a short audio sample (MP3) recorded directly from keyboard after playback of the top midi format, e.g. XT.
If you like what you hear, then select that product by pres- sing the WARENKORB button. Make sure you have cor- rectly chosen either the SONG (midi file) or the STYLE (rhythm accompaniment) for the title in question.
This need not be your final selection, though. You can first collect titles in your shopping basket. You can change what you have collected at any time, for example by simply dele- ting (ENTFERNEN) from the WARENKORB any song you decide you don't want after all. The shopping basket also gives you a running total of the price and the number of tit- les you have ordered so far. Any further titles you select will be added to the list in your shopping basket.
From there you can always press the EINKAUF FORTSETZEN button to return to the product selection for more titles that you can add to your shopping basket.
Please check through all the titles you have selected to make sure that you do not make an incorrect order. Also, you should not forget to read our General Terms and Conditions (AGB´s) under “Service“.
Press the ZUR KASSE button to submit your order.
Next comes the form for you to enter your personal details. You must provide your
A 3-stage payment process will follow.
1.You will see a
2.The next page is the payment form ZAH-
sure you correctly enter the information for your (card owners) name, the
If you decide for the new alternative CLICK & BUY service (e.g. for bank collection or other payment methods), please press the prominent round Click & Buy button.
3.You will get to the page AUFTRAGS- BESTÄTIGUNG (order confirmation). For the very last time you now have the chance to adjust the content of shopping basket. You may not object later to titles you have selected so make sure you have ordered the right ones. Make sure, too, that you have cor- rectly selected "Song" or "Style", since these are often listed one after the other under the same title. Submit the payment process and press WEITER.
You will see a message page like “Danke für Ihren Einkauf“, shortly after you will receive a confirmation
Your purchased data are now ready for DOWNLOAD. Please go to MEIN YAMAHA KONTO /
The files you download are provided as a
compressed zip file. You can open this by double clicking on it in the selec- ted folder of your PC or Mac. From there you can copy it to floppy disk (or USB stick) so that it can be loaded into your instrument and played. If the necessary decompressing program (WinZip) is not installed on your com- puter, you need to install the program in order to access your files.
If an attempted download fails to complete, you have no need to worry. You are allowed up to ten attempts to complete the download. The link is only disabled after the tenth such attempt has failed. If this occurs, and also in case of any difficulties, please get in touch with our support hotline
We hope you have a lot of fun using your YAMAHA Software!
The YAMAHA Music Software Team
Important !
This download service is provided by Yamaha Music Central Europe GmbH (25462 Rellingen, Germany) in cooperation Yamaha Music Interactive, Inc (New York, USA). The midi files provided in this section of the download shop are mostly made in Germany. Yamaha Music Interactive, Inc. provides the international Yamaha server system for handling data traffic. The processing of data and payment processing for the contents of the shop are thus handled in the U.S.A. at this time.