You can connect an external audio source or component to the karaoke system, so you can sing along with other audio formats like CDs or videos, or hear the karaoke’s sound from other speakers like a PA system. To make the connection you need optional audio patch cables (such as Cat. No. 42- 2352).
If the external audio source does not have AUX OUT jacks, but has only a headphone output jack (such as one you might find on a portable tape or CD play- er), use a shielded
Connecting an External Audio Source for Input
You can sing along with an external au- dio source (such as a stereo VCR or CD player) by connecting its audio output jacks to the system’s AUX IN R and AUX IN L jacks.
Connecting an External Audio Component for Output
You can broadcast the karaoke sys- tem’s sound through an external audio component (such as a PA system ampli- fier). Plug the external component’s au- dio input jacks into the karaoke system’s AUX OUT R and/or AUX OUT L jacks.