Rear Panel View
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 1617 | 18 |
[1]Main Power Switch
[2]Power plug (AC 110V/50Hz)
[3]Rs232 Port - To connect to computer, and use software(sale separately) to control
[4]Extra Remote Sensor port - To plug an external IR signal receiver(sale separately).
[5]S/PDIF Digital Input (PCM 44.1KHz,48KHz)
[6]Four Video Inputs - BGM,VCR,DVD and AUX
[7]Two Video Outputs - Video out #1 and #2
[8]Four Audio Inputs - BGM,VCR,DVD and AUX
[9]PRE out - Audio Output ( same signal with L/R)
[10]Surrounding Audio Output - 3 audio output types: Music only, microphone only, or music plus microphone audio output. [11]Left Channel Audio Output
[12]Right Channel Audio Output
[13]Center Channel Audio Output- When in music only mode, use music volume control to adjust the music level; when in microphone mode, use microphone volume control to adjust the microphone level.
[14]Subwoofer Balance Output - Volume control by subwoofer volume control (#10 at previous page).
[15]Surrounding Microphone Volume Control - To adjust the level of microphone volume from the surrounding audio output.
[16]Center Microphone Volume Control - To adjust the level of microphone volume from the center audio output.
[17]Balanced Microphone #B Input
[18]Balanced Microphone #A Input