XENYX 1622FX/1832FX/2222FX/2442FX
2.2.4 Routing switch, solo and channel fader
Fig. 2.6: Balance control and mute switch
The BAL(ANCE) control has a similar function to the PAN control in the mono channels.
The balance control determines the levels of the left and right input signals relative to each other before both signals are routed to the left/right main mix bus (or odd/even subgroup).
The remaining control elements in the stereo channels perform the same functions as their counterparts in the mono channels (MUTE switch, MUTE and CLIP LEDs, SOLO switch, SUB and MAIN switches and channel fader).
2.3 Interface panel and main section
Where it was useful to trace the signal flow from top to bottom in order to gain an understanding of the channel strips, we now look at the mixing console from left to right. The signals are, so to speak, collected from the same point on each of the channel strips and then routed to the main section all together.
2.3.1 MON control, aux sends 1, 2 and 3 (FX)
Turning up the AUX 1 control in a channel routes the signal to the aux send bus 1.
+As the 1832FX is equipped with an additional monitor path, its first aux control in the channel strips is named MON. The console also has a dedicated master fader (MON SEND) for this aux path.
AUX SEND 1, 2 and 4
The AUX SEND 1 control governs the master send level of the mix created by the individual channel AUX 1 sends.
Likewise, the AUX SEND 2 contol is the master control for the aux 2 bus, and AUX SEND 4 controls the AUX 4 bus.
Fig. 2.7: The AUX SEND controls of the main section!
The FX control determines the signal level for effects processing, i.e. regulates the level to an external (or the inter- nal) effects device.
1622FX and 1832FX: On these consoles, this function is performed by the AUX SEND 2 control (FX).
You can use the SOLO switch to separately monitor the aux sends via the CONTROL ROOM/PHONES outputs and check these with the level meters.
+If you want to monitor the signal of just one AUX bus, none of the other SOLO SWITCHES should be pressed and the MODE switch should be in the SOLO position (not depressed).
2.3.2Aux send jacks
Fig. 2.8: Aux send jacks
AUX SEND jacks
The AUX SEND jack should be used when hooking up a monitor power amp or active monitor speaker system. The relevant aux path should be set
+ On the 2222FX, aux send 1 is hard wired as
As already mentioned, the aux sends in the
The AUX SEND (FX) jack carries the master aux mix (from the channel’s FX controls). You can connect this to an external effects device to process the FX bus. The processed signal can then be brought from the effects device back into the STEREO AUX RETURN jacks.
2.3.3 Stereo aux return connectors
Fig. 2.9: The aux return connectors
+On the 2222FX, 1832FX and 1622FX the STEREO AUX RETURN jacks are located on the front panel of the unit.
The STEREO AUX RETURN 1 jacks generally serve as the return for the effects mix (created using the
+You can also use these jacks as additional line inputs.
All stereo aux returns are balanced, but can of course also be used with unbalanced connectors. If you use an aux send for monitoring, the associated unused stereo aux returns are available for other line level signals (e.g. keyboards).
+A signal fed into the stereo return jacks can be output via an aux send jack. More information on this can be found in chapter 2.3.5 “STEREO AUX RETURN 1/2 (TO AUX SEND)”.
The STEREO AUX RETURN FX jacks accept the effects mix