Door Hinge Pin Holes
Locking Caster
Hex Nut Wrench
Choose a good, cleared assembly area and get a friend to help you put your grill together. Lay cardboard down to protect grill finish and assembly area.
CAUTION: Some parts may contain sharp edges. Wear protective gloves if necessary.
Step 1
Attach cart base to side panels. Insert four M6 X 50mm bolts through cart base and into legs and tighten securely. Be sure the door hinge pin holes face forward.
Step 2
Attach back panel to legs using four M6 X 50mm bolts. (Hand tighten only at this point.)
Note: With the help of a friend, turn the cart assembly over. Try to minimize the stress to the legs.
Step 3
Attach locking casters to the bottom of the legs. Tighten caster bolts securely using hex nut wrench provided in parts pack.