•Moda 13: Earmolds/ slim tubes/domes blocked with ear wax Moxi 13: Shells/domes blocked with ear wax
•Low battery
•Plugged microphone protector
•Clean shells and domes. See “Cleaning Your Heraing Instrument”. Consult your hearing healthcare professional.
•Replace battery
•Consult your hearing healthcare professional
Shells/domes falling out of ear
•Poorly fitting earmolds/ slim tubes/shells/domes
•Earmolds/shells/domes not inserted properly
Weak on the telephone
•Telephone not positioned properly
•Hearing instrument requires adjustment
•Consult your hearing healthcare professional
•See “Putting Your Hearing Instruments on Your Ears”. Reinsert carefully.
•Move telephone receiver around ear for clearer signal. See “Using the Telephone”.
•Consult your hearing healthcare professional
For any problems not listed in the guide, contact your hearing healthcare professional. If you do not have a hearing healthcare professional, please contact the nearest office listed on the back page of this booklet.