Pride Mobility SC151SHP owner manual Getting OFF of Your Scooter, Auto Shutoff Feature

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V I I . O P E R A T I O N


1.Bring your scooter to a complete stop.

2.Remove the key from the key switch.

WARNING! Never attempt to get off of your scooter without first removing the key from the key switch. This prevents the scooter from moving if accidental throttle control lever contact is made.

3.Push forward on the seat lock lever and rotate the seat until you are facing toward the side of your scooter.

4.Make certain that the seat is locked securely in position.

5.Unfasten the positioning belt, if equipped.

6.Carefully and safely get out of the seat and stand to the side of your scooter.

7.You may, if you wish, leave the seat facing to the side to facilitate boarding your scooter next time.


The scooter is equipped with an energy saving auto shutoff feature.

νIf you leave the key in the on position and the scooter remains inactive for approximately 20 minutes, the electronic controller assembly will automatically shut down. This feature is designed to preserve battery life.

NOTE: Although the electronic controller assembly will be shut down by the auto shutoff feature, all activated lights will remain on. For maximum battery life it is recommended that you turn off your lights or turn the key to the off position.

To restore power back to the scooter:

νTurn the key counterclockwise to the off position.

νTurn the key clockwise to the on position.

Your scooter will now resume normal operation.


The seat is equipped with a safety pressure switch located inside the seat cushion and is activated by the weight of a user. See figure 14.

When the user is seated, the scooter will operate normally. If the user stands or leans and enough weight is taken off the seat safety pressure switch, the scooter will come to a stop and not move again until the user is firmly seated.

NOTE: The safety pressure switch harness extending from the seat bottom must be connected to its mating plug that extends up and along the seat post or the scooter will not move.

CAUTION! The safety pressure switch harness MUST be disconnected before removing the seat from your scooter or damage to the harness will occure. See figure 14.

Rally Shopper


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Contents Ultimate In Style & Performance F E T Y G U I D E L I N E S N T E N T S Information Exchange N T R O D U C T I O NQuick Reference Information Pride Owners ClubMy Authorized Pride Provider Is General S a F E T YModifications Removable PartsWeight Limitations PRE-RIDE Safety CheckTire Inflation If Equipped With Pneumatic Tires Incline InformationMaximum Recommended Rally Shopper Incline Angle Normal Driving Position Cornering InformationStationary Obstacles STEPS, CURBS, ETC Outdoor Driving SurfacesBraking Information Doors Stairs and EscalatorsElevators LIFT/ELEVATION ProductsPositioning Belts Motor Vehicle TransportGetting Onto and OFF of Your Scooter Alcohol Reaching and BendingPrescription DRUGS/PHYSICAL Limitations EMI/RFI Warnings EMI/RFI Frequently Asked Questions FaqsI . E M I / R F Are all electric mobility vehicles susceptible to EMI/RFI? Rally Shopper Dimensions Specification SSC151SHP O U R R a L L Y S H O P P E R Control Console AssemblySpeed Adjustment Dial Key SwitchBattery Condition Meter Throttle Control LeverRear Section Onboard Battery ChargerManual Freewheel Lever Battery Charger FuseMain Circuit Breaker Electronic Controller Assembly Motor/Transaxle AssemblyAnti-Tip Wheels BatteriesCharging Your Batteries Reading Your Battery VoltageB AT T E R I E S a N D C H a R G I N G How does the charger work? Batteries and CHARGING-FREQUENTLY Asked Questions FaqsHow can I get maximum range or distance per charge? Battery Disposal and RecyclingWhy do my new batteries seem weak? I . O P E R a T I O N PRE-RIDE Adjustments and ChecksBefore Getting Onto Your Scooter Getting Onto Your ScooterGetting OFF of Your Scooter Auto Shutoff FeatureSeat Safety Pressure Switch I I . C O M F O R T a D J U S T M E N T S Seat Height AdjustmentSeat Rotation Armrest Width AdjustmentO P T I O N a L a C C E S S O R I E S Optional AccessoriesProblem Possible Solutions TroubleshootingC a R E a N D M a I N T E N a N C E THREE-YEAR Warranty Exceptions THREE-YEAR Limited WarrantyONE-YEAR Limited Warranty Warranty ExclusionsT E S T E S T E S Susquehanna Ave. Exeter, PA 18643