Compaq W25 manual VoIP timer

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4.1.4VoIP timer

It’s recommended to not enable “extended_roundtrip”, since it has been shown that this cause interoperability problems.

Not all gateways support recovery packets, but then the recovery packets will be ignored. Note that at the same time as the recovery_packets is increase, the bandwidth requirement increase as well. For more details see [3].

4.1.4VoIP timer

To avoid that the fax port is used as a telephony port using Voice over IP, it is possible to restrict for how long a voice call is allowed. If no fax tones are detected i.e. switching over to T.38, within a certain time the call is closed by the W25. The time is configurable and default value is 60000 ms (60s). If configured to “0”, the timer will never expire, i.e. the call will not be closed by the FWT. The parameter name is:

telephony. pots.line_interface[0].voip_session_timeout 60000


2/221 02-FGB 101 327 Uen B – November 2007

Image 14
Contents Application Note Fax over IP with Ericsson W25 Fixed Wireless Terminal for WCDMA/HSPA Mobile NetworksEricsson W25 REFERENCES ContentsW25 CONFIGURATION ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS1 Introduction 1.1 Background2.1 The Fax over IP solution 2 System OverviewVoIP network 2.2.1 SIP Server2.2.2 PSTN Gateway PSTN gateway with T.38 support. Sometimes the PSTN gateway might2.3 Fax Call Setup 2.2.3 Session Border Controller SBC2.5 Access Network T.38 and T30 ProtocolSecurity SignalingEricsson W25 Media Stream3.3.3 QoS 3.3.2 Echo Canceller3.4 Interoperability 4.1.1 4 W25 ConfigurationFax service IMS User Agentcf set ims.callserver.proxy0.address sip proxy cf set ims.useragent0.userpassword password4.1.2 IMS Call Server cf set ims.callserver.outboundproxy outbound proxymaxbitrate 4.1.3 IMS Media Codeccf show ims.callserver localtcfcf show jbig Ecm extended roundtrip datawaittime lowrate recovery packetshighrate recovery packets 4.1.4 VoIP timer 5 References Acronyms and Abbreviations The list has the following format Fax machine, Profile and Speed Appendix Asuccessful fax machines Zoom Telephonics 9600 Internal FaxTalk MH, ECM, 200x100 Motorola Power 14.4 FaxTalk MR, ECM, 200x100 V.17Okidata OkiOffice 84 MH, ECM, 200x100 V.17 Olivetti OFX-1000 MH, ECM, 200x100US Robotics Sportster 14.4 FaxTalk MR, ECM, 200x100 V.17 Sharp UX 1400 MR, ECM, 200x100 V.17Sharp UX 3600M MR, ECM, 200x100 V.17 US Robotics WorldPort PCMCI FaxTalk MR, ECM, 200x100 V.17Ericsson AB 2008 - All Rights Reserved