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Image 53
Contents Silk épil Braun Infolines 30 sec Page Oil English Description see How to epilate Shaving For UK only Ostrze˝enie PolskiPrzygotowanie skóry Przed w∏àczeniem urzàdzeniaWskazówki Depilowanie nóg DepilacjaCzyszczenie g∏owicy do golenia Czyszczenie g∏owicy depilujàcejWarunki gwarancji Wymiana elementów golàcychPage Obecné informace o epilaci UpozornûníPfiíprava pokoÏky NeÏ zaãneteNûkolik uÏiteãn˘ch tipÛ Âi‰tûní epilaãní hlavy Jak provádût epilaciEpilace nohou ˘mûna holicích dílÛ HoleníÂi‰tûní holicí hlavy Záruka Obecné informácie o epilácii UpozorneniePríprava pokoÏky Prv neÏ zaãneteEpilácia nôh Ako uskutoãÀovaÈ epiláciuÂistenie holiacej hlavy HolenieÂistenie epilaãnej hlavy ˘mena holiacich dielov Általános tudnivalók FigyelemBŒr elŒkészítése Használat elŒttHasznos tanácsok Az epilátorfejek tisztítása Hogyan epiláljunk?Lábak epilálása Nyíróalkatrészek cseréje BorotválásBorotvafej tisztítása Garancia Opçenito o epilaciji UpozorenjePripremite koÏu Prije epilacijeNekoliko korisnih savjeta Âi‰çenje epilacijske glave EpilacijaEpilacija nogu Âi‰çenje glave za brijanje BrijanjeZamjena dijelova Jamstveni listOpozorilo SlovenskiPriprava koÏe Pred priãetkom epilacijeNekaj koristnih nasvetov Epilacija podpazduh in bikini predela Postopek epilacijeEpilacija nog Âi‰ãenje epilacijske glave BritjeÂi‰ãenje brivske glave Zamenjava delov za britjeGarancija ÊÛÒÒÍËÈ ÉÔËÒ‡ÌË ÒÏ. ÒÚ ‡Í ÔÓËÁ‚Ó‰ËÚ¸ ˝ÔËÎflˆË˛ ÈÂ‰ ̇˜‡ÎÓÏ ˝ÔËÎflˆËËÈÓ‰„ÓÚӂ͇ LJ¯ÂÈ Íóêë ‚ Ôóîóêâìëâ «2»‰‡ÎÂÌË ‚ÓÎÓÒ ÔÓ‰Ï˚¯Í‡ÏË Ë ˜ËÒÚ͇ „ÓÎÓ‚ÍË ˝ÔËÎflÚÓ‡‰‡ÎÂÌË ‚ÓÎÓÒ Ì‡ ÌÓ„‡ı ‚‡˛˘Ë Ô·ÒÚËÌ˚ ÒÔÂÂ‰Ë Ë ÒÁ‡‰Ë Òìëïëúâ ‡ÏÍÛ ÓËÒÚ͇ ·²˘ÂÈ „ÓÎÓ‚ÍËÌóòúë ÌËÂ Ë Á‡˘ÂÎÍÌËÚ ÂÂËÎÛ˜‡Ë, ̇ ÍÓÚÓ˚ „‡‡ÌÚËfl Ì ‡ÒÔÓÒÚ‡ÌflÂÚÒfl ‡‡ÌÚËÈÌ˚ ӷflÁ‡ÚÂθÒÚ‚‡ ÙËÏ˚Ë„Ë̇θÌ˚ ‰ÂÚ‡ÎË ÙËÏ˚ Braun Page ÌÍ‡ªÌҸ͇ ÑÂflÍ¥ ÍÓËÒÌ¥ ÔÓ‡‰Ë ÍÛθӂˉ̥ Ó‰ËÏÍË¥‰„ÓÚӂ͇ LJ¯Óª ¯Í¥Ë ÈÂ‰ ÔÓ˜‡ÚÍÓÏ ÂÔ¥Îflˆ¥ªÜÍ Ó·ËÚË ÂÔ¥Îflˆ¥˛ ÔÂÌÁÎËÍÓÏ, ÁÏÓ˜ÂÌËÏ Û ÒÔËÚ ÉÓÎ¥ÌÌfl˜ËÒÚ͇ „ÓÎÓ‚ÍË ÂÔ¥ÎflÚÓ‡ ‡Ï¥Ì‡ ˜‡ÒÚËÌ, ˘Ó „ÓÎflÚ¸ ÓËÒÚ͇ „ÓÎÓ‚ÍË, ˘Ó „ÓÎËÚ¸‰ÂÙÂÍÚË, ‚ËÍÎË͇̥ ÙÓÒ-χÊÓÌËÏË Ó·ÒÚ‡‚Ë̇ÏË ‡‡ÌÚ¥ÈÌ¥ ÁÓ·Ó‚’flÁ‡ÌÌfl Ù¥ÏË Çraun

3280 specifications

The Braun 3280 is a robust and versatile electric shaver that exemplifies Braun’s commitment to quality and innovation in grooming technology. Designed for both efficiency and comfort, it is an ideal choice for individuals seeking a close, precise shave while maintaining skin health.

One of the prominent features of the Braun 3280 is its advanced shaving technology. Equipped with a powerful motor, this shaver delivers exceptional performance and can handle even the thickest hair with ease. The cutting system consists of sharp blades that are designed to cut hair cleanly at the skin level, ensuring a close shave, while minimizing the risk of irritation.

The Braun 3280 also includes a flexible head that contours to the curves of the face, allowing the shaver to maintain contact with the skin for an even shave. This flexibility is crucial for achieving a close trim in tricky areas such as the jawline and under the chin. Additionally, the shaver features specialized trimmers that help capture and cut longer hairs that can often be missed during the shaving process.

Another significant characteristic of the Braun 3280 is its wet and dry functionality. Users have the option to shave dry or with water, gel, or foam according to their preference. This versatility means that it can be utilized in the shower or while at the sink, making it a convenient choice for busy lifestyles.

The design of the Braun 3280 is both ergonomic and sleek, making it comfortable to hold and easy to maneuver. The grip is designed for stability, ensuring that users can navigate their grooming routine with precision.

Moreover, the Braun 3280 is equipped with a long-lasting battery that offers impressive runtime, often capable of providing several weeks of shaving on a single charge. This feature is not only practical but also eco-friendly, reducing the need for frequent recharges.

Maintenance is straightforward with the Braun 3280, as it is designed for easy cleaning. The shaver can be rinsed under running water, ensuring that it stays hygienic and efficient without the hassle of complicated disassembly.

In summary, the Braun 3280 combines powerful performance, advanced technologies, and user-friendly features, making it a top choice for anyone looking for a reliable electric shaver. With its flexible head, wet and dry capabilities, and compelling design, it provides a seamless grooming experience that meets the diverse needs of modern users.