3M X20 manual Adjusting the projectors elevator, Adjusting the zoom and focus, RfxvUlqj

Page 17

3M™ Digital Projector X20


Adjusting the projector's elevator













Adjusting the zoom and focus






© 3M 2006. All Rights Reserved.

Image 17 Contents
GHVFULEHGEHORZ Thank you for purchasing this projectorSetup menu About this manual Content Projector featuresEasy Menu Picture menuContents of package HQFORVHGVWUDS Fastening the lens coverFRYHU WKHVWUDSDWHLWKHUHQGSURMHFWRUPD\GURSGRZQ ProjectorFRROLQJLWGRZQ 7KHDLU¿OWHUDQGLQWDNHYHQWDUH LQVLGHControl panel Remote control  DFNRI WKHUHPRWHFRQWUROOn a horizontal surface ArrangementSuspended from the ceiling D 6FUHHQVLH GLDJRQDO E 3URMHFWLRQGLVWDQFH “ DVDZREEO\RULQFOLQHGVWDQG VKRFNIURPDFHLOLQJ RUPDOIXQFWLRQRIWKHSURMHFWRUSUHSDUHWKHFDEOHVUHTXLUHGWRFRQQHFW Connecting your devicesPCSpeakers VwrudjhWKHSURMHFWRUSDQHODUHLGHQWLFDO Connecting your devicesConnecting power supply Using a USB storageUsing the security slot ‡1HYHUPRGLI\WKHSRZHUFRUGPutting batteries About the remote control signal‡2EH\WKHORFDOODZVRQGLVSRVLQJWKHEDWWHU\ VLJQDOUHÀHFWFRUUHFWO\SOHDVHFKHFNWKHIROORZLQJ Changing the frequency of remote control signalUsing as a simple PC mouse & keyboard RIWKHSURMHFWRU¶VRSHQLQJV Turning on the power Turning off the power Temporarily muting the sound Adjusting the volumeSelecting an input signal Selecting an input signal Searching an input signal€ For no signal Selecting an aspect ratioAdjusting the zoom and focus Adjusting the projectors elevatorHOHYDWRUIHHWWRSODFHWKHSURMHFWRUKRULRQWDOO\ RFXVULQJAdjusting the position Using the automatic adjustment feature€ For a PC signal € For a signal from the USB StorageCorrecting the keystone distortions Using the magnify featureWKLVIXQFWLRQPD\QRWZRUNZHOO GLVWRUWLRQFRUUHFWLRQPD\QRWZRUNTemporarily blanking the screen Freezing the screenSUHVVWKH5=EXWWRQDJDLQ IRUWRRORQJAdvanced Menu Using the menu functionORZHUOD\HUPHQXRIWKHVHOHFWHGLWHPZLOODSSHDU RIWKHVHOHFWHGLWHPZLOODSSHDU FRQWLQXHGRQQHWSDJH $6018LWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHIROORZLQJWDEOH 8VLQJWKHŻŹEXWWRQVDGMXVWVWKHEULJKWQHVV Easy MenuColor TintGamma 7850HQXFDQEHSHUIRUPHG PRGH Picture Menu1RSDWWHUQÖ*UD\VFDOHRIVWHSV FRPSRQHQWYLGHRVLJQDOLOAD1, LOAD2, LOAD3, LOAD4 MY MemorySAVE1, SAVE2, SAVE3, SAVE4 ORVWE\VDYLQJDQHZGDWDLQWRWKHPHPRU\$*0HQX For no signalFDQEHSHUIRUPHG 8SÙRZQFor a signal from the USB Storage For a PC signalImage Menu SizeGHJUDGDWLRQRIWKHSLFWXUH 13870HQXEHSHUIRUPHG IRUYLGHRIRUPDW Input MenuFrame Lock YHUWLFDOIUHTXHQF\RIWR+VLJQDOVFDQEHVHWRQWKLVSURMHFWRU ResolutionDJDLQ 67830HQXZKHQHYHUSRVVLEOH PD\QRWZRUNAudio Setup MenuMirror Menu Position 510HQXRUNHHSQRRSHUDWLRQIRUDERXWVHFRQGV \6FUHHQÙ25,*,1$/Ù %/8Ù+,7Ù%/$Start UP Screen Menu35  3ODLQEODFNVFUHHQMyScreen Message ³$872,1352*566´ZKLOHDXWRPDWLFDOO\DGMXVWLQJSUHVVLQJWKH5=EXWWRQ Source NameAuto on 237,210HQXAuto Search Auto OFF Option MenuODPSZLOOEHWXUQHGRII Lamp TimeMY Button ServiceGHSHQGLQJRQWKHEDVLFVHWWLQJ Auto AdjustÙ$67Ù,6$% GhostRemote Freq KEY Lock1250$/Ù+,*+ InformationInputting the Password Using Security FeaturesChanging the Password SecurityIf you have forgotten your Password Using the MyScreen Password FunctionTurning on the MyScreen Password Setting the PasswordRegistering the PIN Code Using the PIN Lock FunctionTurning the Password off If you have forgotten your PIN Code Turning Off the PIN Lock FunctionTurning On the Transition Detector Function Using the Transition Detector FunctionSetting the Transition Detector Password Security Setting the Transition Detector offUSB Storage PHQXDisplaying Thumbnail Menu 86%6725$‡&RPSOLDQW¿OHIRUPDW ‡&RPSOLDQW$XGLRIRUPDW86%FDUGUHDGHU Displaying Thumbnail MenuRUWKHUHPRWHFRQWURO ODZV Controlling the projectorDWWKHEHJLQQLQJRIFRQQHFWLRQDQGFRPHVDJDLQ FRQWUROOHGThumbnail items Displaying Thumbnail imageImage DownDisplaying Thumbnail image GHVLUHGLQWHUYDOWLPH Playing Slide showSURMHFWRUWRGHFLGHLW Slide Show itemsMode Playing Slide showONE Time Screen EffectPHQX Displaying an image in full screenSURMHFWRUWRGLVSOD\WKHVHOHFWHGLPDJHLQIXOOVFUHHQ SURMHFWRULVEDFNWR7KXPEQDLOGLVSOD\SURJUHVVEDU Displaying an image in full screenEXWWRQLVSXVKHG LVSOD\WKXPEQDLOVType number Replacing the lamp Case of replacement by yourselfLamp Lamp Lamp warningType number FRQWDFW\RXUGHDOHUDQGWHOOWKHDLU¿OWHUW\SHQXPEHU¿OWHUFRYHU ¿OWHUWLPHOther care Caring for the cabinet and remote controlInside of the projector Caring for the lensRelated messages Horizontal or vertical frequency of the input signalPHDVXUHVDUHUHFRPPHQGHGEHIRUHUHTXHVWLQJUHSDLU 0HVVDJH HvfulswlrqPower Lamp Temp Regarding the indicator lampsIndicator FKHFNDQGFRSHZLWKLWDFFRUGLQJWRWKHIROORZLQJWDEOHRegarding the indicator lamps Resetting all settingsShutting the projector down 2QO\ZKHQWKHSURMHFWRUFDQQRWEHWXUQHGRIIE\XVXDOWKHQWXUQWKHSRZHURQDJDLQ RUUHFWO\FRQQHFWWKHSRZHUFRUGPDQXDORIWKHVRXUFHGHYLFH RUUHFWO\FRQQHFWWKHDXGLRFDEOHVXVLQJWKHPHQXIXQFWLRQV IXQFWLRQRUWKHUHPRWHFRQWUROKLJKHUOHYHOXVLQJWKHPHQXIXQFWLRQ 5HSODFHWKHODPS250 W 6SHFL¿FDWLRQComputer input port Audio input/output port OthersDitial Projector Initial set signals Connection to the ports Audio USB Storage Intended Use
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