D4065/D4057 Ratchet Hoist Manual
To operate the ratchet hoist, do these steps:
1.Read and follow the safety precautions included in the front of the manual, wear protective head gear, and clear the area around the lifting operation.
2.Secure the safety hook on top of the hoist housing to a structurally sound overhead beam that is capable of supporting the load weight.
Make sure that the overhead connection point conforms to the required local and state safety and building codes for the hoist and load used.
Note: The hoist can be mounted a beam trolley if the capacity of the trolley system is at least twice the maximum load capacity of the hoist.
3.Position the load directly under the ratchet hoist.
Always connect the ratchet hoist lifting hook to a separate lifting device attached to the load, such as straps, chains, or eye bolt. DO NOT wrap the hoist lifting chain and hook around the load in any way. If you do, the dynamic loads could exceed the capacity of the hoist, causing it to fail and drop the load. A falling load could cause death or serious crushing injuries.
4.Flip the lever on the ratchet handle to the neutral ("N") position. This allows the lifting chain to freely move through the gear block housing by either pulling on the lifting chain or rotating the handwheel.
5.Make sure the chains are not tangled, then attach the lifting hook to the load.
6.Eliminate the slack in the lifting chain between the gear block housing and the load by pulling on the chain.
7.Flip the ratchet lever to the "UP" position, then pull on the ratchet handle until there is slight tension on the lifting chain.
8.Inspect the hoist and load to make sure that the lifting chain will stay vertical and will not twist during the lifting operation, that there is not a possibility of any type of entanglement, and that there are no obstacles in the path of the lift.
9.While keeping to the side of the lifting path, continue to pull on the ratchet handle with a slow and steady pace.
Note: The ratchet mechanism will suspend the load at the current position when you release the ratchet handle.
10.To lower the load, flip the ratchet lever to the "DOWN" position, then pull on the ratchet handle with a slow and steady pace.
11.When the tension between the hoist and the load is completely released, detach the hoist hook.