Before the TAD can answer calls and record messages, you must record an outgoing message. Your outgoing mes- sage can be up to 60 seconds long.
Hint: Do not tell callers you are not home. Instead, say that you cannot come to the phone right now.
Follow these steps to record your outgo- ing message or to change your current message.
1.Hold down OGM (outgoing mes- sage) until the TAD beeps.
Note: If you try to record an outgo- ing message when the TAD’s mem- ory is full, the PLAY/SKIP indicator flashes rapidly and the TAD announces, “Memory is full.” You must delete some messages to make room in memory (see “Delet- ing Messages” on Page 11).
2.Speak your message from about 8 inches in front of the TAD.
Illus. showing microphone.
3.When you finish, press STOP. The TAD beeps and plays back the out- going message.
To check your outgoing message at any time, press OGM. If no outgoing mes- sage is recorded, the
Set the ring select switch to 4, 7,or TS to set how long the TAD waits before it an- swers a call (4 rings, 7 rings or toll- saver).
Illus. showing 4/7/TS switch.
If you plan to check your messages by long distance, set the ring select switch to TS (see “Using the