Siemens 2410 manual key enters a with one press, b with two presses, c with, Keys

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￿￿ 6HOHFW￿￿6DYHand￿(QWU\Punctuation.￿￿DQG￿SUHVV￿



Note: Using the keypad on the handset, enter letters or digits depending on

how many times a key is pressed. For example, when entering a name,

the "2" key enters "a" with one press, "b" with two presses, "c" with

three presses, and "2" with four presses. Use the "*" key to capitalize

and the "1" key to space. You may edit entries using the








deletes the character to the immediate left of the cursor.

For more text entry options, please refer to Chapter - Entering Letters























Image 22
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