Learning to Use Your Phone
Using Symbol Mode
Your phone provides an alternate way to enter symbol characters in a message. Press M > Entry Method from any text entry screen and select the Symbol menu option.
1Press a number key one time to display its symbol options at the bottom of the display
See the “Symbol Chart” on page 38.
2 Press S, or press the number key multiple times, to highlight the symbol you want
3Press SELECT (+) to enter the symbol at the flashing cursor location
Symbol Chart
Use this chart as a guide for entering characters in symbol mode.
1 space . | ? | ! | , | @ | _ | & ~ : ; " |
- ( ) ' | ¿ | ¡ | % | £ | $ | ¥ |
2@ _ \
3/ : ;
4" & '
5( ) [ ] { }
6¿ ¡ ~
7< > =
8$ £ ¥