Eavesdrop Reducer
Just between you and me, there are many things we need to keep under wraps ...
Your radio has the Eavesdrop Reducer feature, a scramble code that makes your
transmissions sound garbled to anyone listening. It doesn’t guarantee secrecy, but
it adds an extra layer of privacy. Don’t forget
To set the scramble code, select the TWO WAY mode and the SETSCRAM menu, then select code SCRM 1, SCRM 2 or SCRM 3. Your display will now show e. To turn scramble code off, select SCRM
The QuieT6000™ function helps ensure uninterrupted communication between Motorola Talkabout
To turn the QuieT6000 function on or off, select the SETTINGS mode and the SETQUIET menu. All the radios have to be set to QUIET ON to avoid interruptions. You need to transmit a call tone before talking, other radios on your channel and code can then receive and transmit until 30 seconds of inactivity occurs which resets the QuieT6000 function. * is displayed in the signal strength area of the