Did you know?
The impres™ chargers are backward compatible, so your existing batteries will not be obsolete.
Coming Late 2005
The impres™ Energy System. More than a smart battery–it’s practically brilliant.
Without a doubt the biggest hassles of any two-way radio are a result of battery problems. Diminished battery life, overheating and cross-platform compatibility can seriously undermine your radio’s effectiveness and effect your team’s ability to communicate. Introducing a breakthrough solution: impres™ – the Intelligent Motorola Portable Radio Energy System. The impres system automatically keeps batteries at their peak performance, virtually eliminating memory effect in nickel-based batteries by customizing itself based on your unique charging habits. The patented impres circuitry even allows for conditioning and reconditioning of a battery in the smart charger while it is still attached to the radio. No matter what radio device you’ve used in the past, the impres energy system will be a quantum leap of performance.