Motorola 1 manual Input Element Type Money, Data Format

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VoxML 1.0 Element Reference

INPUT Element : Type MONEY

INPUT Element : Type MONEY

The MONEY input is used to collect monetary amounts from the user.


<INPUT TYPE="MONEY" NAME="value" NEXT="value" [NEXTMETHOD="value"] [TIMEOUT="value"] />


Attribute Name

Allowed Values








next step URL










milliseconds (integer)


1 <STEP NAME="init">

2<PROMPT> How much would you like to deposit?


4<INPUT TYPE="money" NAME="dep" NEXT="#deposit"/>


The above example code illustrates the use of the MONEY input type to collect the amount of money that the user would like to deposit in his account, store that amount in a VoxML variable named “dep”, and then go to the STEP named “deposit”.

Data Format

The MONEY input makes use of an input grammar to interpret the user’s response and store that response in a standard format. The input grammar is able to interpret several ways to express monetary amounts.

The data is stored in integer format, in terms of cents.

“five cents” is stored as “5”, “five dollars” is stored as “500”, and “a thousand” is stored as “100000”. Note that no punctuation is added to the digits. Also note that in the case where the units are ambiguous, the grammar assumes dollars, as in the example above in which “a thousand” was stored as if the user had said “a thousand dollars”.

October 1998

VoxML 1.0 Language Reference 25

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Contents Revision VoxML Language ReferencePage Contents Appendices Purpose of this Document What is VoxMLOverview DIALOGs and STEPs Structure of a VoxML DocumentBasic Elements VoxML 1.0 Application Development Guide Other Reference DocumentationAttributes ACK ElementSyntax Examples Audio Element Break Element Next step URL Cancel ElementExamples Case Element Integer Class ElementExamples Dialog Element EMP Element Error Element Input TYPE=OPTIONLIST Help Element Option NEXT=#end done /OPTION 11 /INPUT 12 /STEP Input Element Data Format Input Element Type DateInput Element Type Digits Input Element Type Grammar Input Element Type Hidden Input Element Type Money Input Element Type None Input Element Type Number Input Element Type Optionlist Input Element Type Phone Input Element Type PROFILE‡ Input Element Type Record Prompt Input Element Type Time Input Element Type Yorn Option Element VoxML 1.0 Element Reference Options Element Syntax Attributes Or ElementPrompt Element Pros Element Rename Element Response Element Examples Step Element Switch Element Prompt Value ElementAppendix a VoxML 1.0 Document Type Definition AppendicesOctober VoxML 1.0 Language Reference Vcard Profile Names and Subtypes Appendix B Vcard Profile Names and SubtypesFirst